
This is the personal blog of Edward Lamb, the writer of the National Aristocrat (NA) novels. The other purpose of this blog is to report on events occurring within Catholic Education in the United States.

However, other material from other websites can be found within some of this blog's posts. These posts are marked by a link to the actual article and website, and the original section of the article will be italicized and in quotation marks.

Of course, any and all materials not written by Edward lamb are fair use, and belong to their original owners.

Monday, March 23, 2015

"Are Catholic schools worth it? Or should we throw in the towel?"

Read all about it @ http://www.patheos.com/blogs/janetheactuary/2015/03/are-catholic-schools-worth-it-or-should-we-throw-in-the-towel.html

"No, this is not just a rhetorical question.

At church, I listened to the pastor, in lieu of a regular homily, talk about the new “To Teach Who Christ Is” campaign.  As seems to be usual with these sorts of major fundraisers, this comes from a directive from the Archdiocese, and proceeds are split 65% to the parish, 35% to the Archdiocese for an endowment fund for schools at poor parishes.
And I thought:  is it really worth it?

Yes, I send my kids to a Catholic school (well, the younger two; the oldest is at the local public high school).  And I believe there’s a lot of good in Catholic education, and the idea that religious education, and an emphasis on “character education” is not limited to Sunday School (or whatever is experienced after school, at home); also, my oldest son, who in another school would have been a prime candidate for bullying, was instead well-treated by the other students."

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"Catholic school to skip St. Pat’s parade in protest"


"BOSTON (Reuters) – A Roman Catholic grammar school located near Boston has pulled out of the city’s St. Patrick’s Day parade in protest over organizers’ decision to allow a gay veterans’ group to march in next month’s event.
The Immaculate Heart of Mary School, which traditionally sends its marching band to the South Boston route, said on Friday it would withdraw following a decision by the Allied War Veteran’s Council, the parade’s organizers, to admit a group of gay and lesbian veterans called OutVets to participate."

"Could There Be New Life for Former Catholic School"


"West Hazleton, Luzerne County-  It doesn't look like much now but the former home of the Transfiguration Catholic School Spartans in West Hazleton may soon be a place for people to come together. It was a Catholic school for some 80 years and was closed in 2006.  Parishioners got together and are now trying to transform this three story building into a center of activity. It is part of the Holy Name of Jesus Parish at Transfiguration Church.
"We're going to make the hall a community and parish hall. So we can have fund raisers and meetings and get togethers and bring the community together in one place.." said committee member Robert Nause.

It is a three phase project, the first floor which includes the old basketball court and kitchen area will be renovated."

"New Jersey Catholic School Teacher's Anti-Gay Rant Slammed By Susan Sarandon, 'Real Housewives' Star"


"Susan Sarandon is among the bold-faced names who are blasting a New Jersey Catholic school's anti-gay Facebook comments.
Patricia Jannuzzi, a religion teacher at Somerville's Immaculata High School, made headlines last week after she argued that gays "want to reengineer western civ (sic) into a slow extinction" as part of their "agenda" in a post on her now-deleted Facebook profile, MyCentralJersey reported.
"We need healthy families with a mother and a father for the sake of the children and humanity!!!!!" she wrote alongside a Young Conservatives article about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights advocate Dan Savage urging Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson to prove that homosexuality is a choice."

Monday, March 9, 2015

"Saint Ireneus Catholic elementary school to close"


"Saint Irenaeus Catholic Elementary School in Oakmont will be closing the doors on the kindergarten through eighth grade program in June 2015.

The announcement was made this weekend at Masses to school families and teachers.

Father George Dalton, Administrator of St. Irenaeus Parish, received permission from Bishop David Zubik to make the change, citing low enrollment as his primary reason for the decision."

"Our View: New Catholic school would have impact in Midland Read more: Our View: New Catholic school would have impact in Midland"


"We are not sure how to react to the news that the Catholic Diocese of San Angelo is eyeing the Midland-Odessa area for a new high school.
On the one hand, we are excited. Some of the top preparatory schools in the state are Catholic schools. We also know that St. Ann’s School — the oldest private school in Midland — has been churning out quality students since it opened its doors in 1950.
On the other hand, we are concerned about the proposed school’s impact  on Midland ISD.
We have no doubt the high school would be a success and provide another alternative for parents seeking a quality education for their children."

"A Fight to Keep Catholic Schools Catholic"

Read all about it @ http://www.wsj.com/articles/ryan-t-anderson-and-leslie-ford-fighting-to-keep-catholic-schools-catholic-1425600547

"San Franciscans are currently debating a simple question: Should the government respect the right of Catholic schools to be authentically Catholic?
San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone thinks so. But eight California senators and assemblymen sent the archbishop a letter last month, saying that his actions in issuing new faculty guidelines “foment a discriminatory environment in the communities we serve.” On Feb. 23, two of the signers even asked the California Assembly Labor and Employment Committee and the Assembly Judiciary Committee to investigate the archdiocese’s actions.
Here’s the back story. During contract renegotiations with nearly 500 staff members last month, the archdiocese issued an updated faculty guide for its Catholic high schools. The addendum introduced three new clauses—which staff members are required to “affirm and believe”—denouncing masturbation, pornography, same-sex marriage, contraception and other issues that, in line with Catholic teaching, are described as “gravely evil.”
These beliefs shouldn’t surprise anyone familiar with the Catholic Church—the 2,000-year-old institution has clearly defined its moral teachings throughout the years. Yet lawmakers objected, contending in a Feb. 17 letter to the archdiocese that the new guide is “divisive.” They asserted that by spelling out the teachings of the Catholic Church and requiring high-school staff to not publicly undermine those teachings, teachers could be dismissed for private decisions not in accord with Catholic teaching."

Monday, March 2, 2015

"Catholic Schools Should Be Catholic, Even in San Francisco"

Read all about it @ http://www.nationalreview.com/article/414524/catholic-schools-should-be-catholic-even-san-francisco-ian-tuttle

"If you care to learn how thin our conception of religious liberty has become, look to the Bay Area. In early February, San Francisco archbishop Salvatore Cordileone released a statement “regarding the teachings and practice of the Catholic Church,” to be included as of August 1, 2015, in the faculty handbook for the four high schools run by the archdiocese. “We, the Archdiocesan High Schools,” it reads, “affirm that we are educational institutions of the Catholic Church, and as such strive to present Catholic doctrine in its fullness, and that we hold, believe and practice all that the Holy Catholic Church teaches, believes and proclaims to be true, whether from the natural moral law or by way of revelation from God through Scripture and Tradition.” Fifteen “affirm and believe” statements follow, which focus on the Catholic Church’s teachings on sexuality — its espousal of chastity and the inviolability of human life, for instance, and its rejection of same-sex marriage — but are adequately summarized in the first statement: “We affirm and believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and we embrace the teachings about that Church as enunciated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.” 

Cordileone is also seeking to redefine teachers as “ministers” in their contracts, which would make their employment dependent on their adherence to the “statement.” Taken together, Cordileone’s proposals might be summarized as demonstrating that he thinks Catholic schools should be Catholic."

"Catholic school to sit out St. Pat’s parade because gays will be marching"

"OSTON (Reuters) – A Roman Catholic grammar school located near Boston has pulled out of the city’s St. Patrick’s Day parade in protest over organizers’ decision to allow a gay veterans’ group to march in next month’s event.
The Immaculate Heart of Mary School, which traditionally sends its marching band to the South Boston route, said on Friday it would withdraw following a decision by the Allied War Veteran’s Council, the parade’s organizers, to admit a group of gay and lesbian veterans called OutVets to participate.
“We can’t associate with that,” Brother Thomas Dalton, principal of Immaculate Heart of Mary School, said in a phone interview. “It would appear we were condoning it.”
For decades the organizers of the New York and Boston St. Patrick’s Day parades excluded openly gay groups from participating in their events, contending that allowing them to march would violate the beliefs of their Catholic faith, which holds that homosexual acts are immoral.
Both parades’ major sponsors, Diageo PLC’s Guinness in New York and Boston Beer Co’s Sam Adams in Boston, withdrew their support last year over the issue."

"All-girls Catholic high schools becoming scarce"


"An all-girls education, its advocates say, helps young women find their voice.
"They have a way to find out who they are without all the distractions," said Carol Killebrew, the principal of The Ursuline School in New Rochelle, one a handful of all-girls Catholic schools in the Lower Hudson Valley.
And at those schools, it's girls who fill the leadership positions in clubs and on sports teams and are the valedictorians at graduation time.
But the number of places families in the region can find that experience is shrinking with the closure of Good Counsel Academy in White Plains at the end of the school year. The loss of Good Counsel will leave three all-girls Catholic high schools in Westchester and will take away one of the more affordable options for middle class families."

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"Marino brings fresh vision, verve to Catholic Education Arizona"


"Donna Marino, the new president and CEO of Catholic Education Arizona, came upon her career leading non-profit organizations quite by grace.

“I always had a call to service,” she told The Catholic Sun. At Boston University, Marino studied speech pathology and audiology, thinking she would work one day in a clinical setting.

During her senior year, however, she got involved raising money for “Jerry’s Kids” through the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
“I really liked it,” Marino said. “I was invited by their regional office in Massachusetts to make a presentation to the board.”
From a modest background, she had no familiarity with boards of directors but made a strong impression. It turned out to be a defining moment; Marino would devote her life to helping non-profits such as the Multiple Sclerosis Society become successful. She spent five years working alongside Archbishop William Lori in Bridgeport, Conn., leading the archdiocese’s charitable appeal, foundation and endowment fund for parishes and schools."

"Frigid temperatures may no longer mean a day off for Jackson Catholic Schools students"


"JACKSON, MI - Frigid days may no longer mean a day off for Jackson Catholic Schools students.

In a letter sent to parents, principals of Lumen Christi High School, Jackson Catholic Middle School and St. Mary's, St. John's and Queen's elementary schools said they cannot continue to cancel school on days that roads are safe.

"The education of the students has been impacted and with the lack of a school routine, the focus is lost for many," the letter said. "The principals have decided that we may not choose to close ...on cold days when other districts opt to."

As a group, Jackson County's public school superintendents have agreed to base their decision to close school on actual or wind chill temperatures at or below-minus 20.
The Catholic schools' choice to stay open on such days would only be considered if roads are safe to travel on and there is no blowing or drifting snow, said the letter, which went out to parents on Monday, Feb. 23.

"As long as it is safe, we want them here," Queen's Elementary School Principal Elizabeth Hartley said.

The elementary schools only would allow kids outside for recess if the actual temperature and wind chill are both above zero, the letter said."

"Congressman Neal: 'We now deserve answers' about Cathedral, Holyoke Catholic high schools merger plan"


"SPRINGFIELD — U.S. Rep. Richard E. Neal, D-Springfield, responding to the Bishop of Springfield's announcement on Monday that two Catholic high schools in the region will be merged at some undetermined location, said the Cathedral High School "family" deserves answers.

Neal's comments occurred after Bishop Mitchell Rozanski announced that Cathedral High School and Holyoke Catholic High School in Chicopee will be merged into one regional school, at a site to be determined. Cathedral's home on Surrey Road was destroyed in a 2011 tornado, and will be one of the sites considered for the new regional high school Rozanski said.

Rozanski said Monday the solution was determined to be the most practical and sustainable by a group of stakeholders meeting with church officials. Declining enrollment and the high cost of tuition have been issues in the discussions."

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

"Catholic schools reach out to rural areas"


"DENVER - At Catholic schools around Colorado, there is a numbers problem.
Some towns just don't have enough people to support schools in places like Sterling, which will lose its parochial school at the end of this school year.

"Certainly, we have enrollment changes in various areas. There are shifting demographics throughout our society," Dick Thompson, superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of Denver, said.

Thompson says across the Archdiocese, enrollment drops by about 1 to 2 percent each year and it is a struggle, at times, to keep schools in rural areas afloat."

"Nuns seek Detroit Catholic school alums"


"A coalition of nuns has bankrolled a push to identify thousands of alumni from four west side Detroit schools — Most Holy Trinity, Holy Redeemer, Christ the King and Gesu — the only remaining Catholic elementary schools within the city limits.

The Monroe-based Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) congregation, along with other religious communities, funded the $16,000 effort to digitize records and locate living alumni so the parishes can step up fund-raising efforts to ensure the schools' survival."

"Mater Dei Prep: An example of the crisis facing Catholic schools"


"In the last week, members of the Mater Dei Prep community were told their high school was closing, they raised more than $21,000 to help #SaveTheSepraphs, they were given two months to raise $1 million, they established a plan to accomplish that and then rallied to spread the word

While students, staff and others in the school community said they were blindsided by the news, school officials said the Diocese of Trenton and St. Mary Parish have been subsidizing Mater Dei's substantial budget deficits for years.

Mater Dei's leadership was told in December that that financial support would be ending, and the decision to close the school was not far behind.

However, Mater Dei Prep is not the only Catholic school currently facing the possibility of closure and is also not the only school that has been given an opportunity to change its fate."

"PhillyDeals: Corporate help for Catholic schools"


"In 2012, Philadelphia Archbishop Charles J. Chaput rescinded the threatened closing of four Catholic high schools after a group of developers, executives, and foundations promised to raise money and take a more active role supporting them.

On behalf of those schools, a private group that helps families pay tuition has more than tripled its yearly scholarship grants through Pennsylvania's Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program and related credits.

The credits allow companies to redirect part of their state taxes to private, independent, and parochial schools so they can provide tuition assistance to any student who applies, until the money runs out."

"Pamphlet about morals upsets parents at SF Catholic school"


"In the latest controversy to strike the Catholic Church in San Francisco, elementary school students at the Star of the Sea School were given pamphlets referring to sexual topics that some parents say were inappropriate and far too advanced for their children."

Sunday, February 8, 2015

"Growing Catholic school will get new home"


"BLACKSBURG — St. John Neumann Academy is at capacity.
On a recent, blustery February day every classroom was packed with kids and the walls were lined with hand drawn artwork. The foyer was filled with posters from a recent science fair display.
Music, art and French teachers have to go into each individual classroom to teach their subjects because there isn’t enough space in the school that teaches pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. Students eat lunch in their classroom."

"Where does 'public life’ end for Catholic school teachers?"


"Educators at East Bay Catholic schools must “demonstrate a public life consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church” as part of a new contract disclosed Monday.

The new contract introduced by Bishop Michael Barber is intended to be less harsh than last year’s, which for the first time included a controversial requirement that teachers conform to church doctrine in their “personal” life."

"Catholic school teachers told to lead lives in accord with church teachings"

"San Francisco — About 100 people attended a vigil outside the Roman Catholic cathedral in San Francisco on Friday to protest the local archbishop's move to require teachers at four Catholic high schools to lead their public lives inside the classroom and out in accordance with church teachings on homosexuality, birth control and other hot-button issues."

Monday, January 26, 2015

"Bankruptcy case brings financial fears for Catholic schools"

"As president of an inner-city Catholic grade school that depends critically on donations, Helen Dahlman admits to an unconventional fundraising strategy.
“We believe in miracles, so we pray a lot,” said Dahlman, who leads Risen Christ School in south Minneapolis, a place devoted to poor immigrants and other severely disadvantaged kids.
Risen Christ is among dozens of Catholic schools across the Twin Cities watching how the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis shoulders millions of dollars of anticipated debt from clergy sexual abuse lawsuits. And as the church’s bankruptcy case unfolds, they are keeping the faith that it won’t have ripple effects on their finances.
Catholic leaders in St. Paul have said repeatedly that the church’s decentralized corporate structure will protect individual schools and parishes from financial harm — a stance proven correct in other U.S. Catholic church bankruptcies."

"Seton chorus starts Catholic Schools Week on high note"


"For a brief time Sunday afternoon, shoppers at the Oakdale Mall drifted from store to store to the sounds of “Ave Maria,” sung by the Seton Catholic Central Select Chorus.
The song was part of a performance given by the chorus and a pair of soloists at the mall’s center court to mark the start of Catholic Schools Week, a nationwide event that runs through Saturday.
The week is an opportunity to celebrate the role that Catholic schools play in the growth and development of their communities, Seton Catholic Central Principal Richard Bucci said."

Sunday, January 25, 2015

"Archbishop Lucas: We Want Our Catholic Schools to Be Vibrant"


"The various challenges facing Catholic schools and their mission in serving the New Evangelization were recently discussed at length during an online conference hosted by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Archbishop George Lucas of Omaha, Neb., shared his insights and answered public questions about education, along with Sister John Mary Fleming, O.P., and Mar Munoz-Visoso.

Catholic education is “a lot of work,” said Archbishop Lucas, who also serves as the Chair of the Committee on Catholic Education for the USCCB. “Catholic education has always required sacrifice and dedication, and it still does.” He maintained that “we want our schools to be vibrant,” and as such it requires “an effort that is very much at the heart of the work of the Gospel.”"

From the Bishop of Yakima: "Praise for Catholic schools"

Read the rest @ http://www.yakimaherald.com/opinion/saturdaysoapbox/2845208-8/saturday-soapbox-praise-for-catholic-schools

"Precisely when and where the first Catholic school began in this country is a bit of a mystery. What is known, though, is that Catholic education dates back, historically, to at least the year 1606. Now, more than 400 years later, we celebrate the benefits and strengths of Catholic education throughout the week of Jan. 25-31 — Catholic Schools Week 2015.

So, what’s important about Catholic education? Well, to quote The Most Rev. Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, “Catholic school graduates make good citizens, deeply committed to social justice, the care of the poor and the planet, proud volunteers in the church and in the community."

"6 Northwest Side Catholic schools asked to work together for reorganization"


"After announcing that 13 Roman Catholic schools will close or consolidate by the end of the school year, the Chicago Archdiocese confirmed Tuesday that Archbishop Blase Cupich has suggested six more schools on the Northwest Side collaborate starting in the 2016-17 school year.

Though how the collaboration will play out is not clear, St. Pascal, St. Constance, St. Cornelius, Our Lady of Victory, St. Tarcissus, and St. Thecla would work together to develop a regional plan for Catholic education on the city's Northwest Side."

"Suburban Catholic schools grow in Western Pennsylvania"


"Enrollment at the region's Catholic schools continues to dwindle, but there is growth in a handful of suburban areas, according to statistics from the Diocese of Pittsburgh.
The number of students in the Catholic education system in the Pittsburgh region has fallen 17 percent in the past five years.
About 19,000 children from preschool to 12th grade are enrolled in local Catholic schools. In 2010-11, the total was 23,000.
The enrollment figures were released in advance of Catholic Schools Week, which began Sunday. The week celebrates Catholic education through open houses and other activities.
Even though enrollment fell in each of the past five years, the decline has begun to level off, said Michael Latusek, the diocesan superintendent of Catholic schools."

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"Red letter day: Hard work paying off for incoming Catholic high school students"


"STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- There were so many hugs, kisses and congratulations going on Friday afternoon in the New Dorp home of retired NYPD Officer Joseph Brusgard and his wife, Judith, that you might have thought the family just won a lottery.

Even better, for them: Their oldest child, Christina, an eighth-grader at Our Lady Queen of Peace School, just won a full, four-year scholarship to St. Joseph-by-the-Sea High School, Huguenot. She also was accepted for admission to the honors program at St. John Villa Academy, Arrochar, and Notre Dame Academy, Grymes Hill."

"Slate Belt's Pius X, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic schools closing"


"Pius X Junior/Senior High School in Bangor and Our Lady of Mount Carmel School in Roseto will close at the end of the school year, victims of declining enrollment and increasing costs, the Catholic Diocese of Allentown announced Friday afternoon.
Immaculate Conception School in Pen Argyl, meanwhile, will add seventh and eighth grades next year to accommodate displaced students.

In a statement, the diocese said enrollment at Pius X has declined almost 43 percent since 2011 and is now just 165 students in Grades 7 through 12. Enrollment projections for next year estimated a further decline to 150 students.

The school expects to end the fiscal year with an operating debt of $1.2 million, the statement said. This doesn't include a diocesan subsidy of more than $1 million since the 2009-10 school year."

"Catholic school goes public to serve students"


"ST. LOUIS (KSDK) - For many De La Salle Middle School students, their school is about more than reading, writing, and math. In fact, former student Johnelle McGee believes that without De La Salle, she may not be heading to college this fall.

"They gave me a lot of encouragement, helped me build confidence. They just told me to go get it, and I could do it," said McGee.

She's talking about the teachers she had while attending De La Salle. And, those teachers' lessons didn't stop after she left the classroom."

"Lourdes to celebrate Catholic Schools Week"


"COAL TOWNSHIP - Our Lady of Lourdes Regional School will join thousands of schools across the United States in the celebration of Catholic Schools Week, Jan. 25 to 31.

Catholic Schools Week is a time for everyone to reaffirm the spiritual value of our children in the eyes of God, to encourage students to reach for academic achievement, to recognize parents for their sacrifices on behalf of their children's education, and to acknowledge teachers, staff and administration in Catholic schools for their loving dedication and professionalism."

Monday, January 12, 2015

"Catholic education provides extra qualities"


All of the qualities that one could get from a Catholic education.

-Edward Lamb

"Will more Catholic schools be closed?"


"The Archdiocese of New York isn't exactly known for transparency in the way it runs Catholic schools on Staten Island and elsewhere. Going into 2015, the outlook is typically murky.

It's uncertain at this point whether the archdiocese is prepared to close up to 20 schools in its system over the next two years based on the outcome of contract negotiations with lay teachers, but the archdiocese is putting that possibility out there."

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

"Morris Catholic High school raises money for Comfort Zone Camp"


"Lexi Finn, a senior at Morris Catholic High School spearheaded a "Blue Out" to raise money for her favorite nonprofit cause, Comfort Zone Camp. Students were asked to donate $3 each in exchange for the right to wear a blue shirt and jeans in lieu of their required private school uniform."

Monday, January 5, 2015

"Quincy Catholic Elementary Schools Foundation to Honor School Sisters of Notre Dame"


"The School Sisters of Notre Dame have been selected as recipients of the 2015 Quincy Catholic Elementary Schools (QCES) Foundation’s Friend of Catholic Education Award in recognition of their years of service to both Catholic elementary and secondary education in Quincy.  Established in 2009, the award recognizes an individual, couple or organization whose contributions have significantly fostered and strengthened Catholic schools in the Quincy community.  
The School Sisters of Notre Dame have had a continuous presence in Quincy  since November 1, 1895, when Mother Caroline Friess, a School Sister of Notre Dame and anative of Bavaria, arrived in Quincy via steamboat, to survey the possibility of educating the children of German immigrants.  Moved by their desire to educate their children, Mother Caroline sent for more School Sisters of Notre Dame to teach the children of these German immigrants.  Within a few weeks, a school/convent was ready for the sisters, and on Dec. 27, 1859, three additional sisters arrived in Quincy to begin teaching at the newly established St. Boniface School, which had an enrollment of 400 students.  The School Sisters of Notre Dame would go on to teach at St. Boniface School for the next 119 years." 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

"Office Promoting Schools’ Catholic Identity Takes First Steps in San Francisco Archdiocese"


"High school administrators in the Archdiocese of San Francisco recently met to discuss the new Office of Catholic Identity Assessment that is set to begin in the new year, according to the National Catholic Reporter. The recently announced office will work to help Catholic high schools ensure and strengthen their Catholic identity."

"Supporters put together high school expansion plan for Roman"


"A group of business people and professionals has assembled properties for new classrooms, a field house, a fine arts center, and parking at all-boys Roman Catholic High School so it can grow beyond its 124-year-old Gothic home at Broad and Vine Streets."

"Catholic School, Church Vandalized"


"Salt Lake City Police are asking the public for help finding the person or people responsible for vandalizing a Roman Catholic high school and church over the weekend."