Mark Kennedy Shriver of FACS, or the Forundation for the Advancement of Catholic Schools, said on the 13th annual Archbishop St Patrick's Breakfast day back in march, saying that he's all in for us, The American Catholic School System. At least in Hartford, CT.
Well, thats still not enough, and its about time we began to act to save the ASmerican Catholic School System, but who's listening?
News, stories, and updates from within Catholic Education in the United States as well as fanfare for the American Catholic School Student.
This is the personal blog of Edward Lamb, the writer of the National Aristocrat (NA) novels. The other purpose of this blog is to report on events occurring within Catholic Education in the United States.
However, other material from other websites can be found within some of this blog's posts. These posts are marked by a link to the actual article and website, and the original section of the article will be italicized and in quotation marks.
Of course, any and all materials not written by Edward lamb are fair use, and belong to their original owners.
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