
This is the personal blog of Edward Lamb, the writer of the National Aristocrat (NA) novels. The other purpose of this blog is to report on events occurring within Catholic Education in the United States.

However, other material from other websites can be found within some of this blog's posts. These posts are marked by a link to the actual article and website, and the original section of the article will be italicized and in quotation marks.

Of course, any and all materials not written by Edward lamb are fair use, and belong to their original owners.

Monday, March 24, 2014

"New Morality Clauses for Catholic School Teachers"


Commentary: In the city of Cincinnati, the Archdiocese over there is making its teachers sign contracts in regards to their code of conducts outside of school. Important behaviors to note are divorce, contraception, and homosexuality. The reason why the Archdiocese over there has this contract for its teachers is because they do not to have any behaviors from its teachers that would discredit their schools or go against Catholic doctrine and morals.

Personally, I believe that the teachers of any school, and not just ours, are to be prime examples and role models to their students. True, with a recent string of Catholic Schools in this country coming under fire over firing its faculty members on the basis of their sexuality, it would seem that to have contracts such as this being given out would prevent further legal problems from occurring.

-Edward Lamb


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