
This is the personal blog of Edward Lamb, the writer of the National Aristocrat (NA) novels. The other purpose of this blog is to report on events occurring within Catholic Education in the United States.

However, other material from other websites can be found within some of this blog's posts. These posts are marked by a link to the actual article and website, and the original section of the article will be italicized and in quotation marks.

Of course, any and all materials not written by Edward lamb are fair use, and belong to their original owners.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

"Catholic School Sues Obama Over HHS Mandate: He’s Forcing Us to Violate Our Faith"

read all about it @ http://www.lifenews.com/2013/11/14/catholic-school-sues-obama-over-hhs-mandate-hes-forcing-us-to-violate-our-faith/

"Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys have filed a federal lawsuit against the Obama administration on behalf of Ave Maria School of Law in Naples, Fla. The lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of the administration’s mandate that religious employers provide insurance coverage for abortifacients, sterilization, and contraception to employees regardless of religious or moral objections.

“Faith-based educational institutions should be free to live and operate according to the faith they teach and espouse,” said Senior Legal Counsel Matt Bowman. “If the government can force Ave Maria to violate its faith in order to exist, then the government can do the same or worse to others.”

“Our school believes in living out our religious convictions,” said Ave Maria School of Law President and Dean Eugene R. Milhizer, who writes and speaks nationally on the issue of religious freedom, the abortion pill mandate, and the Catholic Church. “The First Amendment protects Americans from mandates that require us to act against our deeply held religious convictions. But the mandate leaves us with no real choice: we must either comply and abandon our religious freedom and conscience, or resist and be fined for our faith.”"


Commentary: Being the Catholic School Students that we are, I'm pretty sure we'll just forget about it and just go on with our lives. That being said, it is worthwhile to see what happens next as a result.

-Edward Lamb

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