
This is the personal blog of Edward Lamb, the writer of the National Aristocrat (NA) novels. The other purpose of this blog is to report on events occurring within Catholic Education in the United States.

However, other material from other websites can be found within some of this blog's posts. These posts are marked by a link to the actual article and website, and the original section of the article will be italicized and in quotation marks.

Of course, any and all materials not written by Edward lamb are fair use, and belong to their original owners.

Monday, November 18, 2013

"You’re Not a Princess’: Catholic Prep School’s Campaign Telling Girls ‘Life’s Not a Fairy Tale’ Goes Viral"

read all about it @ http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/11/15/youre-not-a-princess-catholic-prep-schools-campaign-telling-girls-lifes-not-a-fairy-tale-goes-viral/

"An all-girls Catholic prep school in Kentucky has a message for prospective and current students:
“You’re not a princess. Prepare for real life.”
Mercy Academy in Louisville, Ky., has crafted the pointed proclamation in an effort to show young women that the fairy tales they grew up watching and reading aren’t necessarily reality.
Rather than aspiring to be taken care of by a man, the campaign urges young women to stand on their own two feet.

One message says, ”Don’t wait for a prince, be able to rescue yourself.”
Another contends, “Life’s not a fairy tale.”"


Commentary: And, their point is what again? I really have no idea what's whole big deal about this issue. It all just sound ridiculous and unnecessary. Maybe someone could tell me why people are going into a huge St. Vitus' dance about this?
-Edward Lamb

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