
This is the personal blog of Edward Lamb, the writer of the National Aristocrat (NA) novels. The other purpose of this blog is to report on events occurring within Catholic Education in the United States.

However, other material from other websites can be found within some of this blog's posts. These posts are marked by a link to the actual article and website, and the original section of the article will be italicized and in quotation marks.

Of course, any and all materials not written by Edward lamb are fair use, and belong to their original owners.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

"Despite objections, Catholic schools adopt Common Core"

Read all about it @ http://napavalleyregister.com/news/local/despite-objections-catholic-schools-adopt-common-core/article_98915964-5092-11e3-b27a-0019bb2963f4.html

"Catholic schools within the Diocese of Santa Rosa, which includes Napa, will be adopting the new Common Core education standards — despite opposition from a group of Catholic scholars.
The Common Core aims to unify the standards for English and math so that all students graduate career- and college-ready. While supporters, including those in local Catholic schools, say the Common Core will raise academic standards, opponents — including more than 130 Catholic scholars — believe the standards are a step backward. Common Core-educated children, the scholars wrote in a letter, “will not be prepared to do authentic college work.”
The letter, signed by 132 Catholic scholars, was recently sent to each Catholic bishop in the country. The letter stated that the Common Core would negatively impact the character and curriculum of schools and implementing the new standards would be a “grave disservice” to Catholic education."

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