
This is the personal blog of Edward Lamb, the writer of the National Aristocrat (NA) novels. The other purpose of this blog is to report on events occurring within Catholic Education in the United States.

However, other material from other websites can be found within some of this blog's posts. These posts are marked by a link to the actual article and website, and the original section of the article will be italicized and in quotation marks.

Of course, any and all materials not written by Edward lamb are fair use, and belong to their original owners.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Congratulations! Congatulations!


According from this article, this year is the 100th year in a Catholic School within the American School System. Someone pops out the Sparkling Apple Cidar over there. And, I know, I know, its almost 2 AM, but I'm celebrating something else, sort of...

One thing to keep in mind, this is surely a good story to hear, but there is many Catholic Schools in the American Catholic School System needs yo hear our word, the one word that our people have for their own good.


Unblessed Toilet Humor



(Note that "Northside College Preparatory High School is not mentioned in the list of Catholic High Schools affiliated with the Archdiocese of Chicago. Its one of these things that make me go hmmm?)

"Poet Emma Coleman, 18, is a senior at Northside College Preparatory High School and participated in Louder Than a Bomb for the second time this year.
Her piece Even the Toilets in Catholic Middle Schools are Blessed is about experiences in an Opus Dei Catholic school."

Is it just me, or is it because the person who made "Even the toilets in Catholic Middle School are Blessed" is not a sister, or one of us. Does this poet means what she really means or is it just immature toilet humor that just got accepted as an award for some contest in chicago?

Seriously people, what in the name of the heavenly father is wrong with us? Are we sane? How do we put up with this nonsense?


Descrimination against the American Catholic School System

For anyone who has resided in the American Catholic School System, do you have an idea as to  the fact we are being descriminationed not by people with character issues who hadn't grown up from the adolescent toilet humor, but by non-catholic school people that supposedly have a hatred for us all? Sometimes, I don't really undertstand about what is with the campaign of villification and abuse toward toward the people of The American Catholic School System.

Exhibit A: Is the Toilets in the American Catholic School System blessed?

Thats right, this women thinks so, and would like to unbless herself in toilet water! Yuck!


Here, a girl claims that the toilets in the schools we go to are blessed (or unblessed if you're asking me), and she has claimed to have the audacity to say that she would like to "unbaptise herself in the toilet water". Will the toilet water be contaminated, she didn't ask, but isn't that kind of cruel to us or offensive to us all?

Now, theres alot of things wrong with this poem, can you name any?

"I wonder why we couldn't put up with this nonsense, Jesus tried that in the gospel of Matthew by calling them a Brood of Vipers."

-My warped-up version of the first few lines of that poem.

Exhibit B: Occupy Wall Street Throws Condoms at us!


This was at Rhode Island, just last year. And the OWS people threw a condom at one of our own because she supported against the murder of an innocent fetus.

I need to ask you all, if you laugh at this incident, then you are obviouly part of the problem and not part of the solution to our salvation or rebirth.

Tune in tomorrow, where I conclude this discussion of this villification and cruelty against us, with TWO MORE damning scenarios that will probably make you want to go outside and have some fresh air.



Friday, March 29, 2013

More from Pine Bluff


Its official, that Catholic School in Pine Bluff is going to be closed two months from now.

The Diocese of Little Rock has decided to close because of small numbers. Well, I can't
say much about it because its the same story I hear everyday if you ask me.



For anyone who's following that secret that I'm not seeming to let you guys see for a few days is scheuled for release and discussion no later than sunday.



Thursday, March 28, 2013

So they help us?


Earlier this week, there's been reports of additional funds to private schools, and that includes us if you're asking. With the grand buget total $13.5 Million, it would seem quite a huge lot right?

Unfortunately no. Since the money applies to Private Schools in general, I assume we'll some small stack of cash to continue existing.

Our friends in New York, Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois are lucky, but what about the rest of us? Will get something good from this? That's why we seriously need change and change that can benefit us in the long run.


An Ingenious People



Moving slightly north, to the state of Iowa at Granville. Spalding Catholic High School students became  winners of a competition commissioned by the Verizon Phone Company on the creation cellular apps that supposedly addresses problems in the users community. Now I hadn't really used this app recently because this particular app is only used for agriculture, and primarily that according to the article.
 This story is similiar to one that I recently found from New York the other day where a group of students at a science fair, (Catholic School Students of course) tested new avenues of Water Pollution and its causes. People, this is one of the several ideas and savvy things we have done to improve life. We are capable of creating inventions to improve survival or reverse it if you pardon the metaphor.

If such people were to be forced to go to Public School, would they have ab enviroment where they can build and innovate?


Developments from Arkansas


Theres not much to talk about in the Great Lakes or New England regions, so we'll go further south in the Southeastern United States.

In Pine Bluff, AR, A catholic school by the name of "St Joseph" is closing at the end of this school year, or most likely the month of June. You would think that this Catholic School would close because of the lack of Catholics in places they aren't as populated as the Great Lakes or New England regions, but its the same cause again and again; low enrollment.

To be honest, this Catholic has the lowest number of students there in total, a shameful 42 from grades 5-12. Back in the year 2006, there was around 109 people enrolled there, and thats a very low number to begin with, but it decreased as there was no extra people to replace them.

Does this sound familiar?


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

More about Boston College


For anyone who's been reading today's first article about Boston College, wait until you hear this. Normally, I don't follow the mainstream media, but since I felt that it was worth talking about, I guess it's worth the try.

At Boston College, they are distributing Condoms in their dorms in the form of a room where the students and go there and just ask what and how much contraceptives they need/want.

I'll be honest, since I'm making personal observations, isn't that a little too far in the Catholic School that Boston College is trying to save. Wasn't contraceptives something that shouldn't be used amongst Christians in general?


The Taxpaper of Indiana Comes to our defense


In the Diocese of Gary, the Catholic Schools in that state are appearing to regain stength in their numbers. This is the result of a voucher program that was passed in the year of 2011. Personally, I think we can do better than that, and if only we get our act together on this. Despite the rising enrollments are rising in the Great Lakes regions of Illinois and Ohio, and more recently Indiana, this is not the case to everyone else.

Other than us, several other Private Schools are gaining momentum on this one as well, so its not just Catholic Schools in general. Partly because the state of Indiana are trying to use the Private School to supplement the shortfalls of its public schools.

Eventually, these Catholic Schools will become secularized, but who's asking? It may not be tomorrow, or next week, but eventually.


Boston College Aids The American Catholic School System


In Boston, the Boston College is being honored this week for its volunteering to help save The American Catholic School System.

Fortunately, that should keep things together for now, but what about in ten years?


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

An Afterthought

Hmm, I'm not sure if I'm ready to post a rather important situation and event from long ago in the year 2002. But if I ever convince myself that such of a truth should be spread to the rest of The American Catholic School System, then I will. Until then, I'll have to think it for the rest of the week.


More news about that Dreadful Number


"The past four decades have seen a significant decrease in the total number of Catholic schools. Catholic school enrollment reached its peak in the early 1960s with an enrollment of more than 5.2 million in nearly 13,000 schools. By 1990, there were 2.5 million students in 8,719 schools. Between 1990 through 2000, there was a steady enrollment increase despite continued school closings. Between 2000 and 2013, 2,090 schools were reported closed or consolidated, and the number of students declined by 24.5 percent." - cardinalnewmansociety.org
As far as I'm concerned, it would seem that people are now paying closer attention to our ranks than they were several years ago. Now if we were to enact change on this, then we can see some big results in the long run.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Great sportsmanship from Ohio


In Ohio, this article shows that we are skilled in winning sports, but we are weak in the improvements of the Catholic Schools we live in.

And it seems that there is attempts at separating the two groups, the Catholic Schools and the Public Schools. I would like to ask; "what is the whole purpose of all this?" Apparently, the writer who wrote the article agrees with me on this topic, but your guess is as good as mine.


News from Cincinnati


Turns out that the Catholic Schools in Cincinnati are revealed to be on the rise since the last two years. That sounds good, but as I said so many times, how long before the deficit occurs?

No seriously, I'm not being pessimistic at the moment, I'm just curious.

But as always, I'll keep you posted.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

A People Capable of Action


At  St. John’s Regional Catholic School in Fredrick, MD, some of their 8th graders won a rather hefty reward for getting good reception on a video-essay. Now, I don't what was the exact nature of this video, so I'm not the person to ask, but the people at St John's in Fredrick, MD are.

This is one of the many areas where we are capable of excelling. Despite some bad apples, we're still a people who are still a disciplined, creative, musical, and a even peace-loving one. But are we capable of using these attributes for better, common good? That I have yet to see.


The Charter School Strikes Again!


Recently, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia has struck a deal with the Christopher Columbus Charter Schools on giving them Sacred Heart of Jesus parochial school for a net-worth 2.7 million dollars.

Apparently, there was plans to appeal for a merger of some kind with another Catholic School that was closing at Philadelphia, but no word has been published yet on that offer as of late. The same goes for the deal itself.

And so my brothers and sisters of The American Catholic School System, The Charter School has striked us again. Yes, just the usual Salami Tactics of slicing us all up piece by piece until there is nothing left of us. Do you call this genocide?


Friday, March 22, 2013

The American Catholic School System and Evolution

Now back to the more serious discussion. For those who possess the endurance to go this far.

            Evolution teaches that the survival of the fittest or the smartest will survive to reproduce and continue to thrive, while the weak and foolish will slowly die off.  If there’s any non-human organism that has succeeded in achieving Homeostasis, then it is the Ant. The Ant cares more about the survival of the colony and those around him. He shows little concern for those different from him, and instead, he emphasizes the strength of his people.

Mother Nature decrees that all organisms are ruled by the sword. She has no respect for the slow or the foolish that cannot run away from danger. She has no respect for those who do not store their food before the winter. Nor does she ever have her respects for the few who takes advantage of the many, let alone rules against the extinction or genocide of any organism.

The greatest threat to the survival of The American Catholic School actually originates from the acting, tolerating, and believing of foolish nonsense and deeds. Such nonsense such as doing the Harlem Shake, when you should be focusing on your very survival, or even posting videos of yourself naming your peers with pointless names and making complete fools of yourself, to which I assume that will come back to embarrass you in the future. It is completely normal for one to become angered by all this foolishness, because it’s Nature’s way of saying that such organisms or people in this cause are seriously threatening your survival. Though it may not be physical, but by rather an emotional, psychological, or even a mental one.

Face it people, are we really strong, or are we weak? I ask this because the window of opportunity is reduced by the year.


Got some videos for you people..

Alright everyone. Since I believe will have bigger things in your weekends, I'll let you go until next week.

On the side, there's a couple videos I would like to talk you guys about.


This one's called "Saving Catholic Schools", its about two Catholic Schools, one in NYC, the other in Philly. And it shows the two just trying to survive. Again and again, the same question rings; how long before the schools close?

On a brighter side, lets go to Chicago. Did you know that the nation's largest Catholic High School in this nation (to my knowledge) is there, and its called Mother McAuley. Have you seen their recruitment ad? In case you didn't, here it is:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0glLnGsKXo (2012-2013)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDnbTG1qXbA (2011-2012)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpV7Q989q-Q (2010-2011?)


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Their Solution, My Solution.

Now for the serious discussion:

             Back to the Archdiocese of Chicago, which is now all the rage nowadays other than New York City. Apparently, the Archdiocese over there has a NEW strategic plan to save The American Catholic School System, or at least the ones in Chicago.

             What the skimmed high point of the plan is the "calls for increased funding through a capital campaign to establish a scholarship fund and raise money for capital needs, increased partnership with the Big Shoulders Fund and other organizations and maintaining efforts to capture some public funding for Catholic education" -Catholicnewworld.com

              A solution such as that may save them for now, but the question is HOW LONG before there's not enough money to sustain ourselves. Sorry, I doubt this will work in the long run. It is only a matter of time before the Charter Schools start overwhelming us and find out that there's not enough potential donors to close the gap.

              Now you may be wondering "Gee Edward, you're being so cruel to the Diocese and Archdiocese of (city of choice). Where is your solution?"

              The solution I call for is not one of more schools closing, or even appealing to potential donors, but rather massive changes to the inner self, the cultivation of the human character that I believe all of us has been diluted by the pitfalls of modern society. Once we achieved that, we need to take a stand against the Charters and say "NO! We're not going to accept our inevitable fate, but rather WE struggle and make a stand for what we believe in." We also need to change the way we look at the American Catholic School System, by removing what is unneeded and what is needed, all of this by the people and under the guidance of a leader among them for he/she has experienced life the same way they did.

            People, we can do all of this if we are willing to do so. Nothing is impossible, because if there is a will, then there will be a way that shall lead us back to our intended reputation in this nation.


Like a Phoenix, only weaker and flabbier.

In  Madison,Wisconsin, St Ambrose Academy is growing and is close to introducing a Grammar School within its grounds. Founded in 2003, it has grew from 20% since then.

Sounds like a great story of Catholic Schools growing? Sorry, think again. The school has only 83 people there and is expected to have 110 by next year. People this is not progress, this is stagnation and an eventual deficit that will happen in the future. If you really want real progress, think around 800-1400 and then you get the idea. Hopefully, you'll understand that such of a low number is not good enough to save ourselves from extinction.




A Leader within the People, and a People within a Leader.

             And so it is true, we as a people are declining, and it is starting to became apparently obvious. The largest archdiocese in the nation, Chicago, is in deep financial difficulty. And guess what people, we are no longer the majority in education, the Charters are now the majority with more than 2.1 million and counting. Now can you see what will happen to us along the line?

              To be honest, the children, the people of The American Catholic School System needs a leader, no argument there, but this is where my agreements come to an end. The people of The American Catholic School System not only needs a leader, but also a leader amongst them who shares in their struggles and understands them just as much as they understand their supposed leader. Doing so will bring the connection between the leader and the people where the common root or past is shown and revealed.

              Indeed, most of them are not leader material, but there will one among who will rise. He or She maybe from Philadelphia, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, or even Chicago, he or she maybe creative and is a brilliant writer. OR, he or she may have a great idea in mine that could help us all in the future (in other words, us, The American Catholic School System).

             It is inevitable people, midnight is slowly approaching, and the time to act is near. We are a people who is struggling for our existence and trying to survive in a new world that is a shell of its former self, we can DO this, so long as we are willing to do it.



Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Mountain Chips Away

 The Chicago Archdiocese is closing five schools and eliminating 75 central office staff positions in an effort to save millions of dollars over the next two years and help close a $40 million operating deficit.

In Chicago, on the 27th of February,  The Archdiocese of Chicago was planning to close five schools and downsize 75 of its central office staff positions so then they could save millions of dollars over the next two years. What you need to know about Chicago is that, according to NCEA in the 2011-2012 year, the city of Chicago stood as the most populated area in the American Catholic School System. Its true that the Mountain will certainly fall, but does it necessarily have to end up that way? The important question is how long before Diocese/Archdioceses get their act together.

Q: Where are the most Catholic schools located?
Below are the dioceses with the twenty largest enrollments for the 2011-2012 school year.
  1. Chicago
  2. Los Angeles
  3. New York
  4. Philadelphia
  5. Cleveland
  6. Brooklyn
  7. Cincinnati
  8. St. Louis
  9. Boston
  10. New Orleans
  11. Newark
  12. Miami
  13. Detroit
  14. St. Paul/Minneapolis
  15. Milwaukee
  16. Rockville Centre
  17. Baltimore
  18. Washington, DC
  19. San Francisco
  20. Seattle

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Future of the American Catholic School System

Yes, we are going to be extinction soon if we do not get our act together.

But if we manage to get ourselves out of this mess will we create the same world,
and inherit the same problems all over again?

Or are we going to make a whole world where christian ideals, human character, and the good
of society emphasized in future genrations?


Friday, March 15, 2013

Important Statistics on The American Catholic School System

(Note: All of the statistic data is from the NCEA or National Catholic Education Association)

After thinking this over, I think its about time I start mentioning this; in the 2011-2012 school year, there were 2,031,455 students in the American Catholic School System. There is 1,440,572 in the Elementary sectors while 590,883 in the Secondary Schools. With 6,841 Catholic schools still existing in the United States: 5,636 elementary schools and 1,205 secondary schools.

Now fast forward the clock to the 2012-2013 school year, here's the current statistics: 2,001,740 residing in the American Catholic School System. And there are currently 6,685 Catholic Schools in the United States. That is a deficit that cannot be replaced.

People, WE are dropping like a rock, and its not a pretty picture. Where will we be in ten years? Twenty years? Thirty years? Our extinction is inevitable, and its getting really late to midnight, as in no more Catholic Schools. To your average Catholic Student residing there, they do not see any difference in these numbers, but wait a few more years and the effects become rather obvious.

And yes, we can get ourselves out of this situation if we are willing to get out of it. You see, its not really about material wealth, but the will of the people. But as long as they do not wish to fight for their existence, they will surely be replaced by the Charter Schools. Survival is paramount, but who's listening?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

It be great if we could ever do things

Sometimes I ask myself, "why can't we ever make such a great film that we could feel proud of ourselves"?

Well we could, but what the biggest question is "who and why"?

I ask this because we can't seem to do anything that is great; like writing a book, making a film that somehow made it to DVD to which no one has the slightest idea how, or even redefine who we are and what really makes us, literally, us.

Nope, instead we actually have more better things to do like doing sports or even playing video games and what not.

C'mon people, seriously? Is this what we are capable of or can we do better than that?

You know, we're obviously human because we are the only species in nature that can "think" and develop upon it to improve the quality of life around us. And yes, thats also the reason why human progress enabled you to tap on the computer keyboard and look at my post all day waiting for me to make another post.

No. I'm not being rude or in some bad mood, I'm actually stating a fact of life that has just became a joke.


Stereotypes! Stereotypes!

Okay for anyone who has been to a Catholic School, going to a Catholic School, or is going to one in the future, are anyof you familiar with our associated stereotypes?


Supposedly, we are said to have worn our plaid uniforms everyday in each year we attend our schools until we develop a slight allergy to plaid. Apparently we still know how write in cursive (actually that not really true at all). Then there's the that very odd comparison that we are similiar to that SNL comedy "Superstar", which kinda like if "The Godfather" is to Italian Americans, what Professional Wrestling is to Martial Arts, then this is our version of sthat except its a bit too stereotypical, and not enough truth put into it (again if you catch my drift).

I'm suprised that not many people aren't really aware as to what the media say we are, let those among us who never ever match such depictions. But thats a topic for a later discussion.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Rise of the Charter School

Back in September, there was this article that was called "Parochial schools feel pinch", and it was about the fact that Charter Schools are contributing to the decline of the American Catholic School System. Now I know this, along with the poor funding that's been plaguing the American Catholic School System for nearly several decades now, it could be the final nail in the coffin for the American Catholic School System if nothing is done to preserve its existence.
Sure, they're both Private Schools, but the differences end there. What you need to know is that the American Catholic School System is a Religious Institution; Charter Schools aren't. While Charter School has Government Aid to support their continued operations, Catholic Schools on the other hand are literally struggling to continue functioning year after year. The case goes for the vast majority of them in this country.
There has been some sort of decision in one of the Archdioceses, specifically the Archdiocese of Washington, that there was going to be a time when the Catholic Schools under the Archdiocese of Washington will be Charter Schools. Although it is capable of saving the American Catholic School System, it will spare it from destruction, at the cost of losing its religious identity. Basically if this were to happen, then what will happen is that the Catholic Schools will continue to exist, but as something completely different than it was many decades ago.
If the American Catholic School System does not fight for its existence, then it will be replaced by something else, and will be completely different than what it is now. In this case, it is the extinction of Catholic Schools due to poor funding, or the converting of existing ones in secular Charter Schools.
Despite all of the problems, it is completely possible for the American Catholic School System to get out of this situation unscathed. But it will probably be at the eleventh hour, fifty nine minutes in, with only one minute before extinction.


Unsere Familie

            Okay everything's in order now. Alright, I hereby call this post "Unsere Familie". If you are curious as to what that means, Unsere Familie is german for "Our Family". On Unsere Familie, I will be showing links to news on the American Catholic School System and its current state of existance. Specifically, webpages of interest:





More links will be given as soon as newer articles become available.

My first post

Blogger seems to be rather nice place to make a post, so I'll stay here, for now. Testing.