
This is the personal blog of Edward Lamb, the writer of the National Aristocrat (NA) novels. The other purpose of this blog is to report on events occurring within Catholic Education in the United States.

However, other material from other websites can be found within some of this blog's posts. These posts are marked by a link to the actual article and website, and the original section of the article will be italicized and in quotation marks.

Of course, any and all materials not written by Edward lamb are fair use, and belong to their original owners.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

"Grundhoefer devoted to making Catholic school education affordable"


"Mary Jo Grundhoefer has seen firsthand the value of a Catholic school education through her son’s schooling. She believes such opportunities should be open to all, regardless of religion or income level.
Attending a Catholic school costs money, and not every family can afford it. That’s why Grundhoefer gives much of her time to the San Antonio nonprofit Hope for the Future, which provides tuition assistance to families wishing to enroll their children in one of the more than 40 Catholic schools throughout the Archdiocese of San Antonio.
The nonprofit helped fund tuition costs for 2,300 students pursuing Catholic educations during the 2013-14 school year, according to its website."

"Common Core Has Significant Conflicts with Mission of Catholic Schools, Says Education Leader"


"The president of the premier organization that serves to promote and defend faithful Catholic education says Catholic dioceses that have adopted or adapted the Common Core standards have fallen into “a trap” that makes it difficult to see the “significant conflicts” the controversial standards have with the mission of Catholic schools.

Commenting on a letter at Cincinnati.com to the archbishop of Cincinnati by a former student of the archdiocese’s Catholic schools who called upon Archbishop Dennis Schnurr to drop the Common Core standards, Patrick Reilly, president of the Cardinal Newman Society, told Breitbart News, “Anyone reading Paul Mittermeier’s letter can agree on one thing: an education that prepares a student to be so articulate, thoughtful and above all devoted to his faith is one that ought to be preserved and defended at all costs!”"

"Catholic schools slated for 3-day closure during World Meeting of Families"


"LANSDALE >> Although the World Meeting of Families is a year away, anticipation of Pope Francis’ visit for the September 2015 event is evident throughout the region.

The WMOF, which is in its eighth year, is a week-long gathering held in different countries each year, where Catholic families from around the globe celebrate the gift of family through prayer, teachings and activities.

This year the event is being held Sept. 22-27 in Philadelphia."

Thursday, November 20, 2014

"Bishops: Catholic Schools Serve the New Evangelization"


"Archbishop George Lucas of the Archdiocese of Omaha and Bishop Daniel Flores of the Diocese of Brownsville recently spoke to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) about the mission of Catholic schools and their connection to the New Evangelization, according to a news release from the USCCB. The U.S. bishops are currently meeting in Baltimore for their Fall General Assembly.
Archbishop Lucas, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Catholic Education, said that “The New Evangelization calls us to open up an inviting space where God’s grace can take hold and bear fruit, to welcome the Spirit in ways that support conversion, touch the heart, and inspire, “according to the release. Catholic schools are an important part of that calling, as their community spirit results in “higher levels of student engagement and achievement,” Archbishop Lucas explained."

"Why Catholic school is worth it"


"For years, the concept of public school terrified me. As I had attended a private, uniformed, Catholic institution from preschool through high-school, the chaos I associated with public school was pretentious to say the least.

owever, my personal history in Catholic schooling has allowed me a unique perspective on what constitutes education when religious culture is injected into the curriculum. I was raised with lines of plaid skirts, polos, navy and white filing into rectangles in a grassy courtyard every morning for prayer and assembly. Mass was an undisputed part of Friday’s schedule and religion class was as demanding as math and literature.

Looking back, this amount of structure seemed imperative to a scholastic environment and prepared me for the future. This column is not meant to hold one type of schooling over another; instead, it’s meant to examine the extensive benefits gained from the educational and social features of private, religious institutes, and why they are worth the trouble.

Although Catholic school teachers employed by the Diocese often make less than public school educators, they define commitment and tenacity, especially in an environment where the relationships formed in kindergarten exist for decades due to the Diocesan emphasis on community. These instructors go above and beyond to provide a quality education and a personal mentorship for their students. I was lucky to have these teachers throughout grade school."

"Catholic School Students Cheer Installation Of Archbishop Cupich"


"CHICAGO (CBS) – Students and teachers at St. Columbanus school in the Park Manor neighborhood watched the ceremony at Holy Name Cathedral as Blase Cupich was installed as the Archbishop of Chicago."

"Teen admits to perjury when he testified he forced Catholic school tutor, 33, to have sex"


"GRAND RAPIDS, MI – A 17-year-old boy, allegedly the victim of a sexual assault by a Catholic school tutor, has spent four days on the witness stand being asked about the most intimate details of his life."

Thursday, November 6, 2014

"Archbishop Chaput:The Goal of Catholic Education is to ‘Equip Saints’"


"The goal of Catholic education is “to equip saints for life in this world and the next,” Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia stated in a pastoral letter released by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on November 3. The letter, titled “Equipping Saints: A Pastoral Letter on Catholic Education and Faith Formation,” details the roles of teachers, catechists, leaders, parents, and the Church in educating young people.

Archbishop Chaput read the full letter to more than 3,500 Catholic educators gathered at the Pennsylvania Convention Center for the first“ Archbishop’s Day for Teachers and Administrators.”
“Catholic schools and faith formation programs are vital to the Catholic teaching mission and the well-being of the whole believing community,” the Archbishop noted.

Archbishop Chaput emphasized the importance of having teachers, catechists and administrators “who are not merely professionally skilled… but also deeply committed to Christian virtue and Catholic faith.” It is imperative that lay educators, he said, “live honestly and visibly as disciples of Jesus Christ.”"

"Why we choose Catholic High School"

Read all about it @: http://www.valleycatholiconline.com/viewnews.php?newsid=5411&id=15

"My husband and I have been thinking about our children’s education since they were in the womb; but not about Berkeley or Harvard or even their future degrees. We just wanted them to become knowledgeable, so they become good people; compassionate above competitive.

After all, it is History that teaches us social injustice, and Language Arts gives us the voice to speak persuasively against it. Science wields the power to enhance lives or to destroy them. And we need to know Math to grasp income inequality. Education doesn’t just secure our own American Dream. It enlarges that dream to include everyone.

We wanted our kids’ best teacher to be Christ. It just took months of research and prayerful discernment to realize it.

We agonized over the choice of high school for our daughter. We looked closely at many public, charter and private schools, both religious and independent. Our homework was reading websites, attending open houses, and arranging shadow visits. Beyond just academics, we considered athletics, extracurricular activities, size, location, and demographics.

The process felt much like dating. Public schools cannot compete with sleek marketing collateral and giveaway iPads. But they rate well on diversity, proximity and cost. Some strengths were more important to us than others; an immersion program more so than a robotics one, or an emphasis on leadership versus drama. Above all, we wanted our daughter to have a say in the decision. God does his best work through the young." 

"Schools foster patriotism in students"

"There are many holidays that Americans reserve to celebrate their numerous freedoms. Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Veterans Day and Pearl Harbor Day all provide opportunities to remind us of the sacrifices made by brave men and women over the past 240 years. But just as often, opportunities not directly associated with a holiday avail themselves.

Arlington diocesan schools encourage students to remember sacrifices made and celebrate our country.

The year began with a ceremony Jan. 18 at the John Lyon Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3150 in Arlington. Bishop O’Connell High School students Virginia Schilder, Ryan Robles and John Durel won first, second and third place respectively for their five-minute recorded essays of “Why am I optimistic about America’s future?” in a Voice of Democracy contest. At the same ceremony, O’Connell math department Chairman Michael Bernhard received the local and district level VFW Teacher of the Year award for promoting patriotism and good citizenship in students."

"Ebola Watch: Teacher resigns after Catholic school freaks out about her trip to Kenya"


"Unreasonable fear of the virus is now costing people their jobs.

Susan Sherman, a teacher at St. Margaret Mary Catholic School in Louisville, Ky., has resigned after being asked to take a 21-day leave of absence following a missionary trip to Kenya. Parents were worried, so they thought it would be better if she wasn’t at the school.

But Kenya is in Eastern Africa and has had no reports of Ebola.

Sherman (also a registered nurse) and her husband Paul, a retired orthopedic surgeon, were on a medical mission trip to Kenya in a small village called Migori. It was the fourth trip that she and her husband had taken with faith-based organization Kenya Relief."

"Affordable, Faithful Catholic Education: Online Catholic Schools?"


"One of the challenges in rearing our children is giving them an education that is faithful to Catholic teaching and is also physically and financially feasible.  In many areas there are excellent Catholic schools; a few dioceses have taken brilliant initiatives to make it possible for all parishioners to attend, regardless of financial need.  That said, we can hardly describe America in 2014 as a wonderland of orthodox parochial education."

Commentary: Honestly, I think I can agree with the last sentence on the first paragraph.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

"Catholic high school in expansion mode"


"Frassati Catholic High School in Spring started small when it opened its doors last year to a freshman class of 45 students.

Already there was a vision to grow into something much bigger, said principal Sister John Paul Myers. A master plan for more buildings to accommodate future students had been in the works since the beginning."

"9 Catholic schools in city and suburbs to close; 2 others to be reconfigured"


"Chicago’s Catholic school system announced nine schools in the city and the suburbs will close their doors at the end of this coming school year.

The nine schools are three times as many as last year. Two more schools will be reconfigured. Schools in Lake and Cook County will be impacted and the suburbs are included.

The archdiocese says its due to low enrollment and shifting demographics.
1,280 students will be affected and more than 200 teachers and staff."

Saturday, October 25, 2014

"Ellen Page and Julianne Moore's gay drama banned from shooting at Catholic school"


"NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y., Oct. 24 (UPI) -- The film crew from the upcoming gay drama Freeheld was barred from shooting scenes at a Catholic high school in New Rochelle, N.Y. after the school's principal found out about the movie's subject matter."

Commentary: I have to ask, when will there be movie about the real Catholic School Students, not some hyped drama that Hollywood produces?

Friday, October 10, 2014

"Archdiocese Considers New Round of Catholic School Closings"


"Area Catholic schools may again be targeted for a new round of closings.
Sources tell NBC 5 that several schools are slated for closure, but officials with the Archdiocese of Chicago say no final decisions have been made."

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"Why Top Catholic Education Organization Says Common Core Could Threaten Religious Liberty"


"A leading Catholic education organization is warning that Common Core could pose a threat to religious freedom for Catholic schools that adopt the controversial education standards.

The Cardinal Newman Society’s summer newsletter named among the 10 things Catholics should know about Common Core is that it “could lead to religious liberty violations.” That’s in part because of the Department of Health and Human Services mandate to cover contraception coverage for employees.

“Catholic schools’ protection from threats like the HHS mandate depends on showing consistent Catholic identity, because First Amendment protections often depend on demonstrating a bona fide religious character,” the newsletter warned. “The Common Core may diminish a school’s Catholic identity by ‘crowding out’ important elements of authentic Catholic formation, emphasizing skills and practicality over vocation, and failing to teach reasoning from a foundation of truth.”

Further, as more Catholic schools adopt Common Core-certified textbooks and have to comply with Common Core exams, that could in turn lead to schools’ accepting more federal and state funding, which often has strings attached, said Denise Donohue, deputy director of the K-12 Catholic Education Program for the Cardinal Newman Society."

"Can Blended Learning Save Catholic Schools?"


"Catholic schools in the United States are at a crossroads.
The challenges facing many Catholic schools--low enrollment and threats to financial sustainability--put them in a position where they must close their doors unless something dramatic changes. And many have.

There are 500,000 fewer students enrolled in Catholic schools in the U.S. than there were 10 years ago. Over the last fifty years, closures have shrunk the system by more than half, from 5 million to less than 2 million students. Recent research suggests there are dire consequences for entire communities when a Catholic school closes, and there are very few signs that these trends are abating.

Some have suggested that Catholic schools need to reinvent themselves for a new era if they are to survive. This need to adapt may make Catholic schools increasingly open to becoming early adopters of blended learning in an effort to ensure their future vitality. However, Catholic schools will need to overcome significant hurdles if blended learning is to become a key driver of their renewal."

"Allow families to budget shop for Catholic school uniforms"


"The children have returned to school with bright smiles, backpacks and uniforms — celebrating God’s love in all that they do. As a grandparent, I’m delighted to have the pleasure in sharing in the everyday life of my grandchildren. They truly are a gift from God. It is wonderful that they have the opportunity to attend an elementary school supported by the Catholic faith. This comes at high financial costs to the parents and the parish."

"Charlotte Catholic School to build parking deck"


"Charlotte Catholic High School is preparing to break ground on a new parking garage as early as December, a move some parents say will improve safety at the school."

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2014/09/23/5185585/charlotte-catholic-school-to-build.html#storylink=cpy"

Monday, September 15, 2014

"Fallout in the neighborhood when a Catholic school closes"


"(RNS) What happens to a community when a Roman Catholic school closes its doors?"

"Cathedral Catholic High School mourns loss of student"


"SAN DIEGO - At Cathedral Catholic High School Friday night, the stands were full for football as they took on Torrey Pines. Cathedral would win the game 8-7, but it is what happened before players took the field that students were talking about."

"Catholic school closings mean a big adjustment for hundreds of children"


"Sophia Fuller had a happy outing last week, meeting up at the playground with a couple of friends from her old school. The little girls played, laughed, hugged.

For an hour that evening, things were the way they used to be – almost.

But for 8-year-old Sophia – as for hundreds of other children across the region – life is very different now.

These children are starting over in new classrooms, following the closing of 10 Catholic elementary schools across the diocese in June.

That means this can be a challenging, even difficult, time for many students who loved their former schools."

Monday, September 8, 2014

"Professor lectures on Catholic education"


"University of Pennsylvania professor of political science John DiIulio gave a lecture Friday afternoon titled “The ‘Silent Epidemic’ Revisited: Can Catholic Educators Reignite the Fight to Improve Urban Schools?” in which he argued Catholic schools can help solve the pressing education issues in the United States, but only if Catholic leaders wholly dedicate themselves to the cause.

The lecture was the first in the Father Tim Scully, CSC Lectures on Education in the Service of Citizenship, named in honor of the founder of the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE). DiIulio said more people must approach educational shortcomings with the same intensity as Scully.

“If we had more Catholic leaders and educators at all levels like our own [Fr. Tim Scully] … if we had more Catholic leaders who practiced, as Fr. Tim does everyday, what Pope Francis has preached about combatting the sinful inequalities in education and other domains,” DiIulio said. “Then I submit to you we would not still be coping with the species of problems [we have in American education].”"

"Gay teacher says Catholic school fired her for getting pregnant"


"For nine years, Barbara Webb, 33, taught honors chemistry and coached sports at Marian High School, a private Roman Catholic girls’ school in Bloomfield Hills, a Detroit suburb.

When she told her employer she was pregnant, she says she was given two options: resign or be fired.

Why? Because she got pregnant “outside the Catholic way,” as she put it in a Facebook post in late August announcing her pregnancy with Kristen Lasecki, her partner of more than five years. In same post, she announced the news of her dismissal."

"Local Catholic schools face challenges"


"Hundreds of students at two area Catholic high schools will notice an even greater emphasis on technology and innovation to enhance their education this academic year."

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"Archbishop offers advice to students at area's Catholic schools"


"Baltimore Archbishop William Lori offered words of advice Tuesday for students at St. Maria Goretti High School and St. Mary Catholic School on the first day of classes."

"Unusual but true: Catholic schools in inner-city are expanding"


"“Man bites dog” stories are always fun. For years dwindling enrollment and rising costs forced many of Philadelphia’s Catholic parochial schools to combine or shut down. In many cases, parishes sold or leased empty school buildings to the public school system and more recently to charter schools."

"Catholic schools, dioceses determine how to take part in ALS fundraising effort"


"WASHINGTON (CNS)—The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, a major fundraising effort that began this summer to raise money to research a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s disease, has left many people scratching their heads."

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"Fmr. Catholic school teacher pleads not guilty to sex abuse charges"


"LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WHAS11) -- A former St. Raphael Elementary School teacher and Trinity football coach was in a Jefferson County court room Tuesday morning where he entered a plea in connection with sexual abuse charges."

"Catholic School Rallies, Reopens After Threats of Closure"


"The first day of school at Our Lady of Victory school in Chicago's Jefferson Park was a day many feared wouldn't come after threats of closures plagued many Catholic schools in the city this year.
In January, the school faced an uncertain future as it was among six schools the Archdiocese of Chicago slated to close. Enrollment was down and the diocese could no longer suppliment the school's expenses."

Monday, August 18, 2014

"Catholic schools in Verona and Cedar Grove see steady enrollment"

See more at: http://www.northjersey.com/news/education/catholic-schools-in-verona-and-cedar-grove-see-steady-enrollment-1.1068748

"While nearby Immaculate Conception High School in Montclair nearly closed in part because of reduced enrollment, there appears to be no such problem in Verona or Cedar Grove. The local Catholic schools, Our Lady of the Lake in Verona and St. Catherine of Siena in Cedar Grove, both report increased attendance for the upcoming school year, a common trend in recent history."

Saturday, August 16, 2014

"St. Anne’s Catholic School welcomes 379 students for new school year"


"St. Anne Catholic School, 1111 South Cherry Street, welcomed 379 students for the new school year. In addition to beginning the 2014-2015 school year, today also begins the year-long celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the school.                                                                           

“We are anticipating a great year and a great celebration of the 30th anniversary of the school,” said Margaret Morgan, school principal. “We were excited to greet our returning students and to welcome 86 new students to St. Anne. This year, our enrollment comes from 241 families, of which 68 are new to the school. We warmly welcome all to our St. Anne family.”"

Monday, August 4, 2014

I'm Back!

Sorry for the two month long hiatus, but every now and then, someone's ought to take a break now and then. Anyway, I am back for the new school year, and will be updating this blog as usual.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Well, well

Now that school's been over for about a week or two for now, the summer break is now here.
Not only that, there really isn't going to be much news about Catholic Education (I learned that one last year).

For now, I'm going to put this blog into a hiatus for the time being.

-Edward Lamb

Thursday, May 15, 2014

"U.S. Bishops Acknowledge Common Core Concerns, Affirm Importance of Catholic Mission in Schools"


“Catholic schools must consider standards that support the mission and purpose of the school as a Catholic institution,” states the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Secretariat of Catholic Education in a recent document answering frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)."

"The Catholic Foundation funds 16 local projects, programs at spring grant ceremony"


"Local schools, churches and nonprofit groups received funding last week at the 2014 Catholic Foundation Spring Grant Ceremony, held at San Juan Diego Catholic Church in Dallas. The foundation awarded the 16 recipients a total of more than $552,000 to fund various requests including tuition assistance, renovations, security systems, teacher development and a sculpture garden."

"Catholic school to adopt new learning model"

"Seton Education Partners, a non-profit education consultancy, has selected St. Joseph Catholic School in Cincinnati’s West End to join its Seton Blended Learning Network."

"St. Joseph was selected for its strong leadership and commitment to educating traditionally underserved students. It becomes one of the first Catholic schools in the Midwest to join Seton’s nationally recognized network, and the first Catholic school in Cincinnati to fully implement blended learning."

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"Abuse Allegations Prompts Diocese To Send Letter To North Catholic Alumni"


"PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — The doors to Bishop Donald Wuerl High School are slated to close at the end of this school year, but there is a cloud hanging over the former North Catholic High School.
First, there were allegations of sexual misconduct against a former teacher Bro. Bernard Robert Hartman, a member of the Marianists Order assigned to the school in 1961."

Parents Protest Success Academy Moving Into Former Catholic Schools


"CITY HALL — Days after the city made a surprise announcement that new Success Academy charter schools would move into former Catholic school buildings in Washington Heights, Harlem and Rosedale, parents and education advocates took to the steps of the Department of Education Tuesday morning to protest the law that made it happen."

Thursday, May 1, 2014

"Cash-Strapped Catholic Schools Resurrect as Charters"


"Niya White began her teaching career as a member of AmeriCorps – a national community service organization that in 2003 brought her to what used to be known as Assumption Catholic School in Washington, D.C. 
After serving as a fourth-grade teacher, a fifth-grade teacher and a middle school English teacher for several years, she says the school's staff – along with those from six other inner-city Catholic schools – were told a hard story about the dire financial situation of the schools. 
"We were losing families because of the economy," White says." 

Friday, April 25, 2014

"Bucking a trend, Allentown Diocese sees two-year rise in Catholic school enrollment"

read all about it @ http://articles.mcall.com/2013-11-22/news/mc-allentown-catholic-school-enrollment-increase-20131122_1_catholic-diocese-school-enrollment-seton-academy

"No one's calling it a miracle yet, but school enrollment in the Catholic Diocese of Allentown has grown two years straight.
It's the only one of the eight dioceses in Pennsylvania to mark growth in consecutive years, and it's what you might call counterintuitive news. Catholic schools, like Catholic churches, have been closing apace these many years, and more than a few doomsayers have envisioned the end of the system that has imparted faith-based instruction to generations of Americans, Catholic and otherwise.

Not so fast, it seems. After 15 years of steady decline — losing as many as 500 students some years — the five-county diocese in 2010 formed a commission to take a hard look at its system.
The Bishop's Commission on Catholic Schools determined the problem was not the product — education — but in the mechanics of how it was offered.
"It was a business problem, not an academics problem," said Jim Friend, director of the diocesan Office of Stewardship and Development.
Even with the closure of the Seton Academy in Bethlehem this year, total diocese enrollment is 12,419 students — up more than one-half of 1 percent over last year and the second straight uptick. The diocese has 36 elementary schools, seven high schools and three special learning centers in Berks, Carbon, Schuylkill, Lehigh and Northampton counties."

Foreign Students And Religion Classes



Yes, it is true, and this New York Article proves it as well. Since we aren't able to bring in grown through enrollments of actual Americans, we are now enrolling people from foreign nations. China is one of them, but then there's also enrollments from other nations like South Korea. Now, I don't mind other people coming from other countries to learn about our faith, and be enlightened by it. However, there is something that needs to be addressed.  

Now what does this mean? My fellow Catholic School students, it is important to note that the some of the people coming over are not here to be enlightened by our Catholic faith, but are here for academics. According to an article that is entitled, "Confessions of a Wanna-Be Orthodox Catholic High School Teacher", the author (who refers to himself as 'Francis') states that Catholic Education is a gateway to American Universities. The reason why this is so is because in Chinese universities, there are placement tests that need to be done once and only once. There are no second chances. Since the American Catholic School System is the greatest school system in America from the viewpoint of the Chinese, it would seem that getting into an American university would be far more easier, as opposed to applying for a university in their own nation.

The author of the latter article agrees that this could be a potential attempt at evangelization, an idea that I idea would agree 100% on. However, he asserts that the teaching standards of the religion classes within our schools are 'lukewarm', and believes that it won't be effective enough in evangelizing these foreign students. Of course, he also mentioned that there was no serious attempt at evangelization either. As a Catholic High School student who is in the 11th grade, I can't be for sure if his case applies to all of the Catholic High Schools in the United States. To be honest, I don't people making a point through constructive criticism, but I really do mind people not doing anything to address these problems.

Indeed, Catholic Education in America is at a crossroads. Now that the National Catholic Educational Association has reported that for first time in what would appear to be in years, we have now achieved a total population of less than 2,000,000 students from pre K, all the way to 12th grade seniors. Common Core, Charter Schools, high tuition, low enrollments, faithless teachers, ordained clergymen being accused of committing vile acts, a lack of methods and tactics on bringing the word out, a lack of innovation, and hardly any action to stop all this, you could say that  Catholic Education is besieged by problems, and on the way to literal, physical extinction. But you know, we have not achieved midnight yet; there is still time to fix all this. The question that we must be asking is, who is going fix all this?

How about we Catholic School students? It doesn't hurt to find the will to save Catholic Education, and search for a solution that will end all of these problems. The American Catholic School System can still be around when you have children and grandchildren, or it can be a distant memory from a bygone era. The answer to solve all this begins with us, my fellow Catholic School students.               

"Without vouchers, could these Catholic schools survive?"


Honestly though, Catholic Education can and will survive, even without vouchers. If the root cause of the American Catholic School System's problem was a financial problem, then should have been gone a long time ago. I say that because Catholic Education has survived in times where money was really tight; the Great Depression comes to mind, as well as the two World Wars. 

-Edward Lamb

"Rise & Shine: Charter school sector surges, as Catholic schools shrink"



That's right, rise and shine because the American Catholic School System is still falling apart. Meanwhile, the Charter School keep on growing and thriving as I speak. In an article entitled,  "New enrollment analysis details charter school sector’s growth", the article notes the trend in the decrease of Catholic schools and students, apparently from the state of New York. Of course, one should pay note to the fact that the Charter School grows in places where municipal and state legislature is all for it, such as that of New York City. Oh lordy, lordy, New York City. Over there, schools close every year, to the point where it has become as natural as the transitioning of the four seasons within a year.

Our outlook is not very encountering.

-Edward Lamb    

Monday, April 14, 2014


Sorry if I hadn't been updating this blog lately. Nothing much has come from the American Catholic School System despite the fact that the NCEA has reported that the total population of Catholic School Students from K-12 is around some 1,974,000 students; a change of pace from the nearly two million.

I'm not sure if I will update this blog next week, let alone this week, but I'll try to.

-Edward Lamb

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"Nun Reportedly Tells Students Masturbation, Divorced Parents Can Make Someone Gay"


Apparently, some Catholic nun was speaking about homosexuality to a Catholic High School in North Carolina, and was backfired for doing so. To be rather frank, I'm not quite sure as to how a child with divorced parents will play a role on determining whether someone will be leaning towards homosexuality or not. If there was some more evidence on this, it would be rather appreciated. Having known people who have divorced parents, I cannot be sure if what that nun said was true. After all, it really depends on upbringing, as someone once put it.

-Edward Lamb  

Monday, March 24, 2014

He's back! Cardinal Dolan lobbies for Catholic school tax credit


"New York City Cardinal Timothy Dolan and bishops from around the state made a lobbying push at the Capitol on Tuesday for a long-sought tax credit that could save Catholic schools from shuttering.

Dolan and the bishops met with Gov. Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders to advocate for a tax credit for charitable donations made for educational purposes. The legislation would eventually be worth up to $300 million a year, with half going to public school programs and half going to scholarships for students who attend private schools."

Commentary: It's good to hear an update about news such as this. If memory serves, this is a follow up from another article that was dated two months ago. And of course, I'll wish them luck on this one.

-Edward Lamb  

"New Morality Clauses for Catholic School Teachers"


Commentary: In the city of Cincinnati, the Archdiocese over there is making its teachers sign contracts in regards to their code of conducts outside of school. Important behaviors to note are divorce, contraception, and homosexuality. The reason why the Archdiocese over there has this contract for its teachers is because they do not to have any behaviors from its teachers that would discredit their schools or go against Catholic doctrine and morals.

Personally, I believe that the teachers of any school, and not just ours, are to be prime examples and role models to their students. True, with a recent string of Catholic Schools in this country coming under fire over firing its faculty members on the basis of their sexuality, it would seem that to have contracts such as this being given out would prevent further legal problems from occurring.

-Edward Lamb


"Bank of America in court battle with Catholic school and more financial reads"


Commentary: The financial company known as Bank of America is going head to head against a Catholic School. Currently, there is no information on the details of that school...

-Edward Lamb

Thursday, March 13, 2014

"Catholic schools unite—you have nothing to lose but your deficits!"


"Let’s hear it for the intrepid staff at St. Anthony High School in Jersey City, N.J., who have not only embarked on a bold multimedia fundraising campaign to secure the school’s future, Anthony 2020, but have also created a new online community, Faith in Education, showcasing the success stories of Catholic schools across the country. The site’s creators hope to spark conversation about Catholic schools on a national level.

Kathleen Staudt, development director of St. Anthony’s, bluntly describes the shuttering of Catholic schools in America as “a national crisis.”  “Those involved are passionate about the issue,” she says, “but the stories across the United States are told regionally and sporadically. We thought we could do a real service to the community by gathering them and sharing them on a daily basis.”"


Commentary: Indeed, it has been a national crisis; a crisis that its roots from decades prior.

-Edward Lamb

"Despite [South Jersey] closings, Catholic education remains a force"


"Each day on her way to work, Patti Paulsen drives past what was once St. Bridget Catholic School in Glassboro.

“It still pulls at my heartstrings,” Paulsen says of her alma mater. St. Bridget was one of a dozen schools affected in a mass restructuring of Catholic education by the Diocese of Camden in 2007.

“Three generations of my family went there: my parents, me and my kids. I loved that school and I have so many memories.”

The diocese has closed many other schools in the last seven years. The most recent slated for closing is St. Stephen in Pennsauken. Just last year, the doors were shut on Sacred Heart High School in Vineland and Assumption School in Waterford."

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

"Morris Catholic Senior Sures Her Parents "


"A Morris Catholic High School honor student and athlete who claims her parents threw her out of their Lincoln Park home when she turned 18 has taken the highly unusual step of suing them for immediate financial support and to force them to pay for her college education."

Monday, March 3, 2014

"20,000 Supporters Sign Petition For Shaela Evenson, Teacher Fired From Catholic School For Being Pregnant"


"Twenty thousand supporters from across the country sent a petition to the Montana Catholic school that fired Shaela Evenson, a teacher who was let go for becoming pregnant out of wedlock."

"National Online Community Celebrating Catholic Education Launched by St. Anthony High School in Jersey City, New Jersey"


"JERSEY CITY, N.J. March 3, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ -- St. Anthony High School in Jersey City, N.J., launched a new online community called "Faith in Education," today. The purpose of this community is to share positive stories about parochial schools in the United States and to inspire support and conversation around the future of Catholic education."

Thursday, February 27, 2014

"New Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic High School on display"

"Prospective students and their parents — and other curious folks — got their first glimpse of the new Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic High School at an open house Sunday in Cranberry.
The 181,000-square-foot high school is still under construction, and busloads of teenagers and parents boarded buses at St. Kilian School for the short ride across Route 228 to the new facility.
Mounds of dirt greeted visitors as the buses climbed the hill to the facility, a reminder of the work still to be completed before the school opens.
The interior is nearly complete, except for the chapel.
The building will replace the current high school on Troy Hill, which was built in 1939, and has an enrollment of a little over 200 students. The new building has a capacity of 1,000 students, said the Rev. Charles Bober, the school’s president."

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/local/north/2014/02/27/New-North-Catholic-High-School-on-display/stories/201402270024#ixzz2uYgcH3Q3

"Catholic dream comes true"


"In a fitting homily at the blessing of the new gymnasium at Springfield Catholic High School, Bishop James Johnston of the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau spoke on staying spiritually fit.
“Seriously committed Olympic athletes get gold medals. Seriously committed Christians become saints,” he said. “Let this gym be a symbol of the real race we are in ... (receiving) the imperishable crown of eternal life with God when the final whistle sounds.”
The bishop and hundreds of faculty, board members, family and students of the high school gathered Wednesday night for the grand opening of the renovated school."

Monday, February 24, 2014

"St. Jean Vianney Catholic School grieving after death of 6th grader"


"A sixth grader from St. Jean Vianney Catholic School in East Baton Rouge Parish has died by suicide.

The student, Ethan Rider, was found unconscious in a bathroom at the school on Thursday and taken to a local hospital, and died early Saturday morning, according to statements on the school’s website. The coroner’s office confirmed Friday, before Ethan passed away, that it was an apparent suicide.
School officials said in a statement on their website Saturday that 14 counselors from the Diocese of Baton Rouge were at the school Friday to help students and faculty."

"Catholic school to close after 90 years in operation"

Read more: http://www.wlky.com/news/local-news/louisville-news/catholic-school-to-close-after-90-years-in-operation/24642206#ixzz2uHkSuj33

"School officials say they just couldn't afford to keep it open and some parents are very upset with the decision.
The Archdiocese of Louisville said they are closing Holy Family School because of declining enrollment and increasing operating costs.
The school is located on Poplar Level Road just off the Watterson Expressway. They say right now, they have just 129 students enrolled in kindergarten through eighth grade and a couple of grades have fewer than 10 students enrolled.
The decision to close Holy Family is not sitting well with some. This school has a long and rich history in the tight-knit Camp Taylor neighborhood."

Monday, February 17, 2014

"Catholic schools have right to hire, fire for mission, says legal expert"

"Robert George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University and author of Embryo: A Defense of Human Life, recently mounted an interesting defense of Catholic schools’ right to hire and fire for mission.

That right has come into question in recent months, since same-sex marriage was legalized in several states and some teachers and administrators at Catholic schools were fired or asked to resign after their same-sex marriage came to light."

- See more at: http://www.cardinalnewmansociety.org/CatholicEducationDaily/DetailsPage/tabid/102/ArticleID/2989/Catholic-Schools-Have-Right-to-Hire-Fire-for-Mission-Says-Legal-Expert.aspx#sthash.hOPhzO0X.dpuf

"Losing 7.5 percent of students each year, Bay Area Catholic Schools hopes consolidation spurs growth"


"BAY CITY, MI — Each morning, Bishop Joseph Cistone, the leader of the Saginaw Diocese, prays the rosary, asking the blessed mother for help and assistance in times of challenge."

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"Searching for a Catholic High School"

Read more: http://www.ncregister.com/blog/matthew-archbold/searching-for-a-catholic-high-school#ixzz2sPFAtkHL

"I have been looking at different Catholic high schools for my 8th grader. So we went on the tours and she “shadowed” (which is to say, attended for a day) at several schools and I met many people in the administration. I have to say, that as someone who is concerned about Catholic education the results have been a bit disheartening."

" A response to 'Catholic Education, the Common Core and the New Evangelization'"


"The following open letter, written by Steven Jonathan Rummelsburg, is addressed to Dominican Sister John Mary Fleming, executive director of the Secretariat of Catholic Education for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Click here to read the National Catholic Register's Jan. 27, 2014 interview with Sister Fleming, to which Mr. Rummelsburg is responding."

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Queen of Angels teacher named top Catholic school educator"


"Students in Melissa Feilke’s class make music videos on iMovie, take notes on iPads and get tied up in groups to represent WWI alliances. They go on historical scavenger hunts in downtown Philadelphia, create their own President’s Day websites using a free tool called Weebly and communicate with each other in and outside the classroom through the social media site Edmodo."

"2 Catholic schools spared closing after fundraising efforts"


"The Archdiocese of Chicago has granted a reprieve to two of the six struggling Catholic schools slated to close by the end of the schools, according to clergy and parents at both schools."

"St. Augustine celebrates National Catholic Schools Week"


"Students and staff at St. Augustine Catholic School in Richmond are showing their school spirit in honor of National Catholic Schools Week.

The school will join thousands of others across the nation to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the annual event, which runs from Jan. 26 to Feb. 1. Established in 1974, the week is typically observed with masses, open house events and many other activities that focus on the value of Catholic education, according to the National Catholic Educational Association."

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Happy Catholic Schools Week!

Hey, sorry if I hadn't been updating this blog all last week. In fact, its the 40th annual Catholic Schools Week event. Now why am I and the rest of Catholic Education is excited (or so I think) about this year's event?  

Anyway, I will be covering more articles regarding events in the American Catholic School System starting tomorrow.


-Edward Lamb

An important caveat: Unfortunately, it wasn't as celebratory as I originally thought. Since the snowstorm ravaged all across the east coast (where I live), there wasn't much to report on. And as usual, the Catholic Schools Week things never happens in a Catholic High School. Wonder why? -EL (3/24/14)   

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

"Catholic Diocese Explains School Consolidation Plan"


"Buffalo, N.Y. (WKBW) The Catholic Diocese of Buffalo will announce plans to restructure its school system in Western New York on Wednesday afternoon.

The latest move is part of a 3-year strategic plan called "Faith in Tomorrow.""

"SRC Weighs Universal Enrollment System For Public, Charter And Catholic Schools"


"PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Should Philadelphia establish a one-stop enrollment portal for public, charter and Catholic schools? That was the concept kicked-around at last night’s School Reform Commission meeting."

"Catholic school closing in Pennsauken"


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Kansas City Catholic School and Charter School working together


An interesting article about a Catholic and Charter School working together...

-Edward Lamb

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2014/01/06/4733423/catholic-school-kc-charter-join.html#storylink=cpy

Monday, January 6, 2014

"St. John the Apostle School Clark/Linden is the few suceeding Catholic elementary schools in Catholic Education today"


Everywhere a Catholic School student goes, there's always news about a Catholic School or a Catholic High School at some obscure diocese or archdiocese that one has never heard of (even though most of them are named after major US cities). And it would seem that the Catholic School, St. John the Apostle School from Clark/Linden, New Jersey, is one of the few succeeding Catholic elementary schools in Catholic Education today. See for yourself, and find out why.

-Edward Lamb

"Reinstate Mark Zmuda at Eastside Catholic High School"


An update to the latest news regarding the incident at Eastside Catholic High School in the Archdiocese of Seattle.

-Edward Lamb

"Diocese prepares strategic plan to save Catholic education as schools brace for shake-up "


Commentary: Yet, despite the recent news about Common Core and the protests by Catholic High School Students up in the Pacific Northwest (I think), it proves my point that Catholic School closings are still happening to this very day.

-Edward Lamb

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Dawn of a New Year

Sorry if hadn't been updating this blog lately; after all this is time when most people decide to call it a day and take a break.

Ready or not, the year is now 2014. We are halfway done with the school years of 2013-2014.

And as always, anticipate the annual Catholic Schools Week at the end of this month. It's the 40th Anniversary by the way.

-Edward Lamb