
This is the personal blog of Edward Lamb, the writer of the National Aristocrat (NA) novels. The other purpose of this blog is to report on events occurring within Catholic Education in the United States.

However, other material from other websites can be found within some of this blog's posts. These posts are marked by a link to the actual article and website, and the original section of the article will be italicized and in quotation marks.

Of course, any and all materials not written by Edward lamb are fair use, and belong to their original owners.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Catholic School becomes two


In 2014, a Catholic School will become two Catholic Schools!

Now, normally it'll be the other way around; two Catholic Schools becoming one as a result of low enrollment rates. But I can see why it needs to be that way.


Monday, April 29, 2013

That fired Gym teacher's back!


Remember that woman in Ohio who was fired from the American Catholic School System for being a Lesbian? Well she's back, and is now fighting for her back there as we speak.

I will have more details as more becomes released.


Student commits suicide in the American Catholic School System


Not sure what was the cause of this, but its a really saddening thing to hear in the American Catholic School System.


Friday, April 26, 2013

Close Enounters of the Biblical Kind


Did you hear about whats going on in the American Catholic School System in the Diocese of Ohio? Well you should be listening because myself and several others are...

In the Diocese of Columbus, a Physical Education Teacher has been fired by her Catholic High School because she was a lesbian. Apparently, this woman said she was on a Columbus Newspaper (it was about her mothers death). And according to one aritcle, its through an anonymous tip by a parent within the school.

Since marriage is solely between a man and a woman and that anything other than that is irrelevant to such, is this fair punishment to free men (or woman in this case)?


Thursday, April 25, 2013

More Sports Commentary in Grand Rapids

Okay, normally I don't talk about sports in the American Catholic School System, but of course I need to keep you guys interested. So you would be overexposed to the doom and gloom of what's been happening lately.

A Catholic School in Grand Rapids are going extremely well in the sport of Tennis. I wish them all good luck and keep up the good work. Hopefully, they will find this blog someday...


Remember Paul VI?


For anyone who has been following the recent story about Paul VI: do recall a story about them sometime this month?

Well, they're back on the news again as someone talked badly about them, and caused the school to take it seriously and conduct a temporary lockdown of the place.

I ask myself; really? Was that really necessary to begin with?


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The disappearing Nun


Remember those Nuns that supervised the American Catholic School System back in the old days and even today?

Well, apparently this articles agrees with the usual statistic about the Clergy within the American Catholic School System.

And its about the Nuns who are still disappearing and being replaced by the laity because there's not enough of them to replace them.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Catholic School for student housing


In Wisconsin, opposition is building up as plans to build student housing adjacent to Holy Redeemer Church . Thereby, removing the Catholic School next to it for the Student housing to be installed...

Seriously, what's with all these conversions on the places that we at one point once inhabited?


Monday, April 22, 2013

The Plaid Question


The Plaid Question: The belief that the American Catholic School System deserves to be saved, and be spared from the inevitable fate that it will be expected to come in the coming future.

In New Jersey, another Catholic School closes, and of course we have the same old, same old story with the American Catholic School System.

When are you going to wake up from this, Brother/Sister?


More acts of prejudice against the American Catholic School System


Apparently, someone in Milwaukee, WI has sprayed Graffiti at a Catholic High School there.

Didn't say where, but whoever wrote it was a pretty bad one as the authorities have no clue as to why the perpetrator wrote.


Baltimore Catholic Schools are Strong, but desperately need change from within


In Baltimore, the American Catholic School System there is in a better state of existence as opposed to places like New York City. But they desperately need help and need to seriously avert their troubles.

And as I said before, the American Catholic School System can be saved, but it is the people themselves who will do it. It will not be from the outside world, but only ourselves.


Friday, April 19, 2013

The Golden Opportunity


At Quincy, near the borders of Missouri and Illinois, a woman tries to save the American Catholic School System in her local area. As outlined in the article (linked provided above), they did...wait for it...

A donation of $362,500 to the catholic schools of Quincy!

A great idea at first, but as I said earlier, I expected the people of the American Catholic School System. The same people who go to the schools and contribute to its well-being will save it and guarantee its salvation from its intended destruction. In other words, this means averting it.


Thursday, April 18, 2013


Alright, there's not really much to say today...Just the same old news about the American Catholic School System.

Maybe tomorrow, there will be at least something worth reporting to...


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Competition for an extra dollar


In Philly, the push for 120 million dollars in state aid is underway, and the American Catholic School System is spearheading it with unlikely allies. One of them is the very one that is slowly destroying us; the Charter School.

Unfortunately, I don't understand how this is going to benefit us because not only that we're going to get an extra 120 million in state aid, but we're also granting the others more ways to reduce our numbers. But, money is money, and I know that a cut of that 120 million should go to us would buy us more sand in the clock, for now.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"Central Pa. diocese investigating dead friar accused of molesting Catholic school students"


Sorry to say, but this is the latest as of yet. And unfortunately, things like this do not have to have that way.

Someone once suggested that Catholic Children should stay far away from the Monks, Priests, Friars, and the Like because of this. But has that person ever wondered or looked into how such lifestyle works to begin with? To tell the truth once more, there isn't any proof to speak of yet.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Biking for the American Catholic School System


After all, a fundraiser doesn't hurt for while. But as I said before, I think its about time we start bring change that we can prosper in.


Seeking for the good old times?


Yes, I understand that everyone wants change, REAL CHANGE in the American Catholic School  System, but who's really listening?

What else can I say about it? It is just the same old, same old story repeated over and over again. And I really do wish that it wasn't the case.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Special Event at Mother Mcauley



I'll be honest, its actually the largest all-girls school in the nation, and a one of a kind as well. Kind of like how Benedictine in Richmond is a Military School and a Catholic School, Mother Mcauley is a Catholic High School with the curriculum of a liberal arts institution.


Can't say "Confidential", without inaccuracy.


According to Paul VI, they said the the whole story that was pruported all over the internets was in some ways inaccurate.

But, according to that website, the school seems to have a history of letting the athletes there go uncheck at times.

After this, I can't say much about them because I don't want this site to be taken down by complaints of some kind, so I'll just put the nail in the coffin and be done with it.


Catholic School converted to Brewery


Ever wonder what happens after a Catholic School closes? Usually, it'll be converted into old folks homes complete with chapel of course, but this one was actually unexpected.

A Catholic School in Wilkes-Barre Township is undergoing the process of becoming a brewery, yes a place where beer is produced. What was once a place of learning, is now a place of the production of booze.

Remember, this is what will happen to us if we do not get our act together.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Girl sexted photos in Paul VI causes suspension


[Bear in mind, that the website in question is something I wouldn't want to visit for any reason, but since this article applies to us, I'll be posting it. Whoever posted this article did it in the most unprofessional way, and hopefully you can read between the lines as to what this person's saying. Now I do know that the decision is or is not being put underway, so remember that just in case someone there reads my blog by chance. -Lamb]

In Paul VI in Fairfax, VA, a manager in the schools lacrosse team has been sexting to one of the players, and eventually it spread to the rest of the team. Unfortunately, the school reacted by suspending the girl for one day.

People, what has gotten into our heads? Have we already just reached the epitome of insanity because normal people don't do these types of things because its embarassing. Why the hell whould you show the whole world your body like that?

And remember, I do not agree with this woman because she doesn't know what's it like to be part of the American Catholic School System. I do.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The downside of the Chicago Archdiocese's Plan


Anyone in Chicago could more or less know this, but I'll give it another shout out.

Apparently, if you have happened to have been following the latest plan in the Archdiocese of Chicago's
agenda to save their section of the American Catholic School System.

Bear in mind, that their plan calls for more funding, especially when the whole point of it was to save money, so they can have adequate funds for their schools. In theory, its a good idea to a certain degree, but when done in practice, it only works when theres money to throw at it so that the Catholic Schools in question, could be saved.

So, what if the Archdiocese of Chicago has no money to keep these schools running if the plan is used to its maximum capacity? Probably absorbed into the Charter Schools I suppose.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Financial and Organized People


St. Catherine of Siena (SCS) School, as Verona-Cedar Grove Times, has opened its first ever TREP$ Marketplace earlier today. Items that were sold were nothing too complex, but were simple in nature, such has custom painted bookmarks, services for Babysitting, and even Jewelry were among the products and services sold.

This shows that the people of the American Catholic School System are capable of both the managing and the sale of items and services. If we can organize ourselves like this, only much larger than this, we surely use it to raise money for the schools we go to.

Now, lets see if we can expand our list of sale items...


The People's Will Manifested


Okay granted, you people are probably outside with sports, or indoors, doing homework, but a words of good new for all, my folk of the American Catholic School System.

In this nations capital, 1,000 of our kind has rallied there as part of "Catholic Faith in Action Advocacy Day".

This shows that, we as a people can effectively mount up efforts to save the schools we currently go to, so that future generations can have the same experience as we and many others before us did. Of the 1000 of our brothers and sisters, could you see one of them as a potential leader, a spokesperson and servant of the people?

Nothing is impossible; if there is a will, there is a way. Saving the American Catholic School System from destruction is one of them.


Catholic School donates gifts to Needy Kids


In Roselle, the students in St. Walter Catholic School are currently organizing a drive for donating party supplies and to needy children in their area.

This here is an example of altruism, that we, the people of the American Catholic School System are truly capable of improving and generally giving back to our local communities. If we, as a people, were to unify ourselves through a common idea and concept, then we could elevate ourselves from our current situations.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Saving St. Mary's


Down in New Jersey, in Trenton, the alumni and parents have devised a plan to save their failing Catholic School.

Unfortunately, its more about the money than the internal self.

Like I said before, and I'm going to say it a again, the American Catholic School System will be saved by the people, the people who go to the schools for 40 hours on an average of a 180 days a year. But whenever they start getting their act together and actually doing something about all this, the American Catholic School System shall rest in pieces.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

No Anacondas around here, Sire.


In Pennsylvania, investigations are being made about reports of someone sending some threats to a Catholic School in Millcreek, Pennsylvania. So far, no threats or actions have been as of yet, but authorities are still investigations.

Why am I reminded of that article I found back around Friday, the fifth of April? Or even that one incident in Minnesota where someone vandalize that one Catholic School in Minnesota and stole some Priests cloak?
Makes you wonder if someone's behind all these incidents lately. Or probably not as they do not seem to have any relation with one another whatsoever, but who says you can't hold a grudge, or be biased toward anyone for anything? And yes, that does include your religious beliefs.


The American Catholic School System supports the Common Core


Now I know it was obviously from the 30th of March of this year, its still valid as of today. Apparently, private schools across the nation, and that includes 100 dioceses from the American Catholic School System, are trying to adopt the public schools way of education. namely to increase their educational standards to compete with the ever growing Charter Schools that are popping up everywhere like Blowflies on nectar.

And it would seem that not only the private schools are jumping on this bandwagon, the American Catholic School System is trying to do so, while at the same time, infusing their own version of Common Core. One in which, Common Core actually applies to the American Catholic School System without them even losing their religious and social identity.

People, those Private Schools are not growing, they're actually stagnant. What about us, aren't we in the same position as they are? To be honest, no, since that 2,001,740 is still dropping like a rock, and I bet that we'll reach 1.9 million by the end of next school year, that is the 2013-2014 school year if you're asking.


Friday, April 5, 2013

Why Baby Jesus? And Virgin Mary?!


Exactly! More discriminatory news against the American Catholic School System. Someone there, at Jefferson City, MO destroyed a statue of Baby Jesus and Virgin Mary. Was that really necessary as I might add?

If it helps, I'll try to add some details and some info, straight of Yahoo.com, okay?

* The statue was located in an area of the school where longtime supporter Leon Vanderfeltz did landscaping work before he died in 2012. Dean of Students Stan Oschner told the media outlet Vanderfeltz planted bushes and flowers, but the centerpiece of the garden was the statue donated to Vanderfeltz by the Christian Brothers in Glencoe, Mo. The landscaper took care of the statue and its surrounding gardens.
* Repairing the statue "would cost at least $1,000" and school officials are hoping to "find who were stupid enough to do this," according to Oschner speaking to the News-Tribune.
* The statue was made of metal. It was situated where the school placed a memorial to the landscaper and his wife after his passing.
* According to KOMU, the statue was knocked completely off its pedestal. The statue's head of Mary broke off and the baby Jesus was shattered. The piece was so heavy, track coach Chip Malmstrom told the television station, "It wouldn't just blow over on its own."
* In another recent incident of vandalism, the News-Tribune reports someone spray painted things on the side of Rackers Fieldhouse, the school's gymnasium. One of the spray painted figures was a cross with marks through it.
* Jefferson City Area Crime Stoppers has offered a $500 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction for those responsible, according to the News-Tribune. ConnectedMidMissouri.com reveals Cole County Crimestoppers has $400 for anyone with information.
* Principal Jean Dietrich told ConnectedMidMissouri.com, "We certainly would like if anybody can help us figure out who did this, that would be most appreciated."
* Anyone with information is urged to contact the Jefferson City Police Department at (573) 634-6400 or the Helias High School office at (573) 635-6139. Anonymous tips can be left by calling (573) 659-TIPS to the local Crimestoppers tip line.
* Helias High School was founded in 1956 after $1 million was raised in four years to create the Catholic high school. The institution is named after a Jesuit missionary who settled in central Missouri in the late 1830s.


U.S. Catholic school enrollment dropped last year but 28 schools opened, in Houston!


True, we lose more than what we gain. Seriously, that's not what I call "doing something about all this". But as I always said, the changes and transformation of the American Catholic School System will come from us students and no one else. Not the System, not the Government, not the Catholic Community as the Huffington Post suggested, its only us and that it.


News from USA Today


"The nation's Catholic schools, facing increasing competition, rising costs and a diminishing core of potential pupils, continue to struggle to keep students and find new ones. But there are some signs of growth in cities including Los Angeles and Indianapolis.
Enrollment in Catholic schools nationwide declined almost 12% for the 2012-13 school year compared with five years ago, a National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) report says. About 2 million children, from pre-K to 12th grade, attend Catholic schools across the U.S. In 2007-08, there were 2.27 million, says the report, released in February."

According to USA Today, my assertions of the substantial is becoming increasingly apparent, provided that they did looked at the NCEA's 2012-2013 census of the American Catholic School System. And it shows; we are dying out slowly, but so slow that not one of us notices. Instead, we're into other things, like sports or playing video games, the "Six Flags Mentality" as one may calls it.

Everywhere we go, we are losing more people in our Catholic Schools and still we are discriminated because of being who we are. Why do we not take a stand and struggle against those who go against us and rise up the American Catholic School System while we're doing it. And, more importantly, enjoy as much of the struggle as we can.

In all of these events, we, the people of the American Catholic School System shall rise up from the mud, and retain our power once more. But will we do it? That is something I ask of you, my brother/sister of the American Catholic School System.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

That woman wants to save the American Catholic School System



Yes, JoEllen Lindner says she want to save the American Catholic School System, or at least the ones in Aberdeen, South Dakota.

Maybe she should start by looking at this blog and look at my proposed solution that I know it can work (see "their solution, my solution" in the march 2013 section).


Why all this descrimination towards us?


Recently, some vandal broked into a Catholic School in Minneapolis, wrote obsence grafitti on a bulletin board and stole some priests cloak in the process. Wonder why they did that. Was it because of their hatred towards us or sheer arrogance?

Now, I don't have any more about this, but hopefully there will be if anyones interested in this particular article.


Even American Airlines hates us!


Yes my Brothers and Sisters, they tried to play jokes on us because of who we are. Seriously, why are being poked fun because we are who we are? And it was all just a joke about overbooked flights and extra tickets that didn't have to be purchased at all.

When are YOU going wake and do something about all this my Brothers and Sisters?


Believe differently, but strike together!


In Indiana, a fellow brother in The American Catholic School System has been abducted by three masked men just two days prior. Fortunately, he escaped from their grasp by losing them behind fences and bushes.

People, if we are ever going to survive, we need to stick toegther. Outdoors, at parties, meetings, wherever! You all need to realize that this can happen to any of us. Remember this, and why I show these articles my brothers and sisters.


Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School students cast votes for favorite books


That's right, right down in Lousiana! Here, the students at Our Lady of Lourdes are casting their votes for their most favored books. Sounds like great domocractic being practiced right?


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Catholic School Girl, So What?



Now this article's been floating around in my email for a while now, and I thought it would be good if I were to add it along with the posts that I've been accumulating since the previous month.

Pay attention to the preceding sentense, as they tell the same thing I've been saying to you all for several days now, we are being descriminated and put down because of who we are.

'"It’s a usual occurrence for me to run to Target, Costco, Chipotle or WalMart after school before getting home to change. I will get asked what school I go to and will proudly answer “St. Teresa’s Academy.” But the politeness stops there. Weeks ago I was at a store with a friend, also wearing an STA uniform, when we were approached with the question, or better described as a statement due to the rhetorical tone,God forgives you for everything ya’ll do bad, don’t he? Eh? Or ya’ll pay for the forgiveness?” The words were followed with a snicker. Only a few minutes later we were confronted again by a different person, “Loads of respect to ya’ll but do ya’ll ever wonder what it’s like to go to a normal person school?”"


His Guess is as good as mind


Mark Kennedy Shriver of FACS, or the Forundation for the Advancement of Catholic Schools, said on the 13th annual Archbishop St Patrick's Breakfast  day  back in march, saying that he's all in for us, The American Catholic School System. At least in Hartford, CT.

Well, thats still not enough, and its about time we began to act to save the ASmerican Catholic School System, but who's listening?


So how was school today Brother and Sister?

My fellow brothers and sisters of The American Catholic School System are going back to work in th Catholic Schools they reside in, and its all going well until summer comes. That is, where we are all lazy and BORED!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What I'll be doing during school breaks

Now I do know that some of us are having spring breaks, but I would like to say, when summer comes, I'm not going to put this in the back burner. But rather, keep this updated daily with great ideas in mind.


NCEA 2013


Its here! And its going to be all about US! And I'll be honest to you people, its probably the only time we'll be ever be mentioned in public outside of Catholic Schools Week in a rather positive light.


Monday, April 1, 2013

Descrimination against the American Catholic School System (part 2)

Ready to be disgusted and hated because you go to a Catholic School? I thought so.

Exhibit C: A Not-So-Convincing-Contest-For-Tickets.


In May 7th-8th of the year 2002, two girls from the Catholic High School known as Bishop O'Connell in Arlington said alot of nasty and repulsive things, to which a radio disc jockey followed suit by starting a two day tirade just all about it. The following days after it, this Disc Jockey was sued for around $55,000 dollars for the slander he has committed, thanks to a complaint filed by 75 people in all (basically everyone who got made fun of).

And all for just for tickets to a Kid Rock concert, yeah thats brilliant of them was it? (No, it isn't)

Exhibit D: They Hate Us, especially our brothers and sisters in Philly


In the 2011-2012 school year, I had witnessed the supposed  closings of the Philadelphia Catholic Schools that were adverted some time after. What I really got annoyed is the people who supported our end and destruction, and would like to see us in ashes, like MWatch says in the comments of the link provided for this excerpt. MWatch and a few others argued that the fall of The American Catholic School System was a good thing because at least we'll br protected by pedophiles and what not.

Yeah, as if he had seen a one before.

These are the people who abuse and villify us my friends, they're evil. These are type of people who want our way of life removed and they are the ones who forces us to forsake in what we believe in so that we are saved from imaginary evils that obviously DO NOT EXIST. And when you connect the dots between this and the Charter Schools taking over, it makes you wonder if we are being genocided by all this.

Which we are, by the way.
