
This is the personal blog of Edward Lamb, the writer of the National Aristocrat (NA) novels. The other purpose of this blog is to report on events occurring within Catholic Education in the United States.

However, other material from other websites can be found within some of this blog's posts. These posts are marked by a link to the actual article and website, and the original section of the article will be italicized and in quotation marks.

Of course, any and all materials not written by Edward lamb are fair use, and belong to their original owners.

Monday, March 23, 2015

"Are Catholic schools worth it? Or should we throw in the towel?"

Read all about it @ http://www.patheos.com/blogs/janetheactuary/2015/03/are-catholic-schools-worth-it-or-should-we-throw-in-the-towel.html

"No, this is not just a rhetorical question.

At church, I listened to the pastor, in lieu of a regular homily, talk about the new “To Teach Who Christ Is” campaign.  As seems to be usual with these sorts of major fundraisers, this comes from a directive from the Archdiocese, and proceeds are split 65% to the parish, 35% to the Archdiocese for an endowment fund for schools at poor parishes.
And I thought:  is it really worth it?

Yes, I send my kids to a Catholic school (well, the younger two; the oldest is at the local public high school).  And I believe there’s a lot of good in Catholic education, and the idea that religious education, and an emphasis on “character education” is not limited to Sunday School (or whatever is experienced after school, at home); also, my oldest son, who in another school would have been a prime candidate for bullying, was instead well-treated by the other students."

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"Catholic school to skip St. Pat’s parade in protest"


"BOSTON (Reuters) – A Roman Catholic grammar school located near Boston has pulled out of the city’s St. Patrick’s Day parade in protest over organizers’ decision to allow a gay veterans’ group to march in next month’s event.
The Immaculate Heart of Mary School, which traditionally sends its marching band to the South Boston route, said on Friday it would withdraw following a decision by the Allied War Veteran’s Council, the parade’s organizers, to admit a group of gay and lesbian veterans called OutVets to participate."

"Could There Be New Life for Former Catholic School"


"West Hazleton, Luzerne County-  It doesn't look like much now but the former home of the Transfiguration Catholic School Spartans in West Hazleton may soon be a place for people to come together. It was a Catholic school for some 80 years and was closed in 2006.  Parishioners got together and are now trying to transform this three story building into a center of activity. It is part of the Holy Name of Jesus Parish at Transfiguration Church.
"We're going to make the hall a community and parish hall. So we can have fund raisers and meetings and get togethers and bring the community together in one place.." said committee member Robert Nause.

It is a three phase project, the first floor which includes the old basketball court and kitchen area will be renovated."

"New Jersey Catholic School Teacher's Anti-Gay Rant Slammed By Susan Sarandon, 'Real Housewives' Star"


"Susan Sarandon is among the bold-faced names who are blasting a New Jersey Catholic school's anti-gay Facebook comments.
Patricia Jannuzzi, a religion teacher at Somerville's Immaculata High School, made headlines last week after she argued that gays "want to reengineer western civ (sic) into a slow extinction" as part of their "agenda" in a post on her now-deleted Facebook profile, MyCentralJersey reported.
"We need healthy families with a mother and a father for the sake of the children and humanity!!!!!" she wrote alongside a Young Conservatives article about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights advocate Dan Savage urging Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson to prove that homosexuality is a choice."

Monday, March 9, 2015

"Saint Ireneus Catholic elementary school to close"


"Saint Irenaeus Catholic Elementary School in Oakmont will be closing the doors on the kindergarten through eighth grade program in June 2015.

The announcement was made this weekend at Masses to school families and teachers.

Father George Dalton, Administrator of St. Irenaeus Parish, received permission from Bishop David Zubik to make the change, citing low enrollment as his primary reason for the decision."

"Our View: New Catholic school would have impact in Midland Read more: Our View: New Catholic school would have impact in Midland"


"We are not sure how to react to the news that the Catholic Diocese of San Angelo is eyeing the Midland-Odessa area for a new high school.
On the one hand, we are excited. Some of the top preparatory schools in the state are Catholic schools. We also know that St. Ann’s School — the oldest private school in Midland — has been churning out quality students since it opened its doors in 1950.
On the other hand, we are concerned about the proposed school’s impact  on Midland ISD.
We have no doubt the high school would be a success and provide another alternative for parents seeking a quality education for their children."

"A Fight to Keep Catholic Schools Catholic"

Read all about it @ http://www.wsj.com/articles/ryan-t-anderson-and-leslie-ford-fighting-to-keep-catholic-schools-catholic-1425600547

"San Franciscans are currently debating a simple question: Should the government respect the right of Catholic schools to be authentically Catholic?
San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone thinks so. But eight California senators and assemblymen sent the archbishop a letter last month, saying that his actions in issuing new faculty guidelines “foment a discriminatory environment in the communities we serve.” On Feb. 23, two of the signers even asked the California Assembly Labor and Employment Committee and the Assembly Judiciary Committee to investigate the archdiocese’s actions.
Here’s the back story. During contract renegotiations with nearly 500 staff members last month, the archdiocese issued an updated faculty guide for its Catholic high schools. The addendum introduced three new clauses—which staff members are required to “affirm and believe”—denouncing masturbation, pornography, same-sex marriage, contraception and other issues that, in line with Catholic teaching, are described as “gravely evil.”
These beliefs shouldn’t surprise anyone familiar with the Catholic Church—the 2,000-year-old institution has clearly defined its moral teachings throughout the years. Yet lawmakers objected, contending in a Feb. 17 letter to the archdiocese that the new guide is “divisive.” They asserted that by spelling out the teachings of the Catholic Church and requiring high-school staff to not publicly undermine those teachings, teachers could be dismissed for private decisions not in accord with Catholic teaching."

Monday, March 2, 2015

"Catholic Schools Should Be Catholic, Even in San Francisco"

Read all about it @ http://www.nationalreview.com/article/414524/catholic-schools-should-be-catholic-even-san-francisco-ian-tuttle

"If you care to learn how thin our conception of religious liberty has become, look to the Bay Area. In early February, San Francisco archbishop Salvatore Cordileone released a statement “regarding the teachings and practice of the Catholic Church,” to be included as of August 1, 2015, in the faculty handbook for the four high schools run by the archdiocese. “We, the Archdiocesan High Schools,” it reads, “affirm that we are educational institutions of the Catholic Church, and as such strive to present Catholic doctrine in its fullness, and that we hold, believe and practice all that the Holy Catholic Church teaches, believes and proclaims to be true, whether from the natural moral law or by way of revelation from God through Scripture and Tradition.” Fifteen “affirm and believe” statements follow, which focus on the Catholic Church’s teachings on sexuality — its espousal of chastity and the inviolability of human life, for instance, and its rejection of same-sex marriage — but are adequately summarized in the first statement: “We affirm and believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and we embrace the teachings about that Church as enunciated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.” 

Cordileone is also seeking to redefine teachers as “ministers” in their contracts, which would make their employment dependent on their adherence to the “statement.” Taken together, Cordileone’s proposals might be summarized as demonstrating that he thinks Catholic schools should be Catholic."

"Catholic school to sit out St. Pat’s parade because gays will be marching"

"OSTON (Reuters) – A Roman Catholic grammar school located near Boston has pulled out of the city’s St. Patrick’s Day parade in protest over organizers’ decision to allow a gay veterans’ group to march in next month’s event.
The Immaculate Heart of Mary School, which traditionally sends its marching band to the South Boston route, said on Friday it would withdraw following a decision by the Allied War Veteran’s Council, the parade’s organizers, to admit a group of gay and lesbian veterans called OutVets to participate.
“We can’t associate with that,” Brother Thomas Dalton, principal of Immaculate Heart of Mary School, said in a phone interview. “It would appear we were condoning it.”
For decades the organizers of the New York and Boston St. Patrick’s Day parades excluded openly gay groups from participating in their events, contending that allowing them to march would violate the beliefs of their Catholic faith, which holds that homosexual acts are immoral.
Both parades’ major sponsors, Diageo PLC’s Guinness in New York and Boston Beer Co’s Sam Adams in Boston, withdrew their support last year over the issue."

"All-girls Catholic high schools becoming scarce"


"An all-girls education, its advocates say, helps young women find their voice.
"They have a way to find out who they are without all the distractions," said Carol Killebrew, the principal of The Ursuline School in New Rochelle, one a handful of all-girls Catholic schools in the Lower Hudson Valley.
And at those schools, it's girls who fill the leadership positions in clubs and on sports teams and are the valedictorians at graduation time.
But the number of places families in the region can find that experience is shrinking with the closure of Good Counsel Academy in White Plains at the end of the school year. The loss of Good Counsel will leave three all-girls Catholic high schools in Westchester and will take away one of the more affordable options for middle class families."